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Parks Fights Back — He Wants County Party’s Bauman to ‘Recant’ His Scathing Email


[Editor’s Note: After the newspaper last Thursday published a hotly worded email by Eric Bauman, Chair of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, (“Republican Strategist Brought in to Help Parks in Supervisor Race”) bitterly critical of L.A. City Councilman Bernard Parks in his race for a seat on the County Board of Supervisors, Nov. 4, Mr. Parks asked — did not demand — Mr. Bauman take his words back. Mr. Bauman reportedly said he did not authorize sending out the email.]

To: Eric Bauman

County Chair, L.A. Demo.Party

3550 Wilshire Boulevard

Los Angeles, CA 90010

Dear Mr. Bauman,

As previously discussed, I was alarmed by an e-mail sent by the Los Angeles County Democratic Party that distorted my record in regards to supporting working families all because the BizFed, a group that supports my candidacy for Supervisor, has hired a Republican strategist to assist with their efforts to get me elected.

This effort by Bizfed, though appreciated, is independent of my campaign. And I’m sure that someone with your political experience would know that I have no influence over these types of operations.

Furthermore, I should not have to defend my endorsements by members of other political parties; just like I should not have to defend my endorsements by members of cultural, religious or gender advocacy groups.

After all, I am involved in a non-partisan election, and as we marvel at the inclusiveness of the Obama campaign, I find it contradictory for the L.A. County Democratic Party to chastise a candidate for his ability to reach out to the masses — especially if that candidate is a lifelong Democrat.

Besides, while running for the most ethnically-diverse district in the County, it is important that a candidate can work with a variety of different people — not just the ones who’ve won approval from his friends.

While my opponent has constantly criticized me for my strong relationships with Republicans, his campaign (not his independent expenditure) has purchased campaign slates praising former President Ronald Reagan and including himself in a so-called “Republican Revolution.”

However, that was not included in the L.A. County Democratic Party’s e-mail.

Also absent from the e-mail were my endorsements from prominent Democrats, like Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Supervisor Yvonne Burke, Supervisor Gloria Molina and a host of City Council members.

And, as a point of clarification, I did not receive an endorsement from the Lincoln Club. That organization only endorses Republicans, and as mentioned earlier, I AM A DEMOCRAT.

Because of my long and good relationship with you, I take you at your word that you did not authorize the creation or dispersal of the e-mail. So, I’m asking you to send out a message stating that fact to the same group of people who received the e-mail. In a campaign that has so far been full of unwarranted attacks and corruption, your recantation would be a breath of fresh air.