Home News Scenes from Obama’s Latest Triumph in Oregon

Scenes from Obama’s Latest Triumph in Oregon


Going on two years, we have been introducing the filmmaker Bill Wynn to readers.

A gentleman of consistent good cheer, he is a source of sunshine for this newspaper even though he and the editor are of dissimilar political persuasions.

As the Democratic candidate, Barack Obama has been the target of more criticism in this newspaper than anyone this side of City Hall.

Not, however, today.

Mr. Wynn forwards a series of celebratory photos from Mr. Obama’s obviously successful campaign sally into Oregon, and included a few comments that suggest he believes his candidate will finish first on Nov. 4.

Convinced that it is Mr. Obama’s destiny to win the White House, Mr. Wynn notes, “God specializes in things impossible, and he will do what no other power can do.”

Finally, above one scene of a huge, densely packed crowd, Mr. Wynn appends the remark:

“I don’t think that Dr. King’s dream saw all of this. This is beyond ‘I Have a Dream.’”










