Home Letters Cancer Risk Grows Exponentially if PXP Proceeds Unchallenged?

Cancer Risk Grows Exponentially if PXP Proceeds Unchallenged?


At high noon on Saturday at West L.A. College, Room 100, Fine Arts, 9000 Overland Ave., the L.A. County Regional Planning Commission wants your comments to help the County decide on regulations for the proposed drilling of another thousand-plus oil wells in our area.

The County’s own Environmental Impact Report (in section states that the “health risk in the vicinity of the Inglewood Oil Field [our neighbor in the Baldwin Hills] is in the 600-800 excess cancer cases per million of individuals exposed, which is considerably higher than levels that are considered acceptable, which are 10 excess cancer cases per million individuals exposed.”

Given that PXP, Plains, Exploration & Production, the oil drilling company, is currently operating about 400 wells in these nearby oil fields and that we now have cancer rates that are 60-80 times higher than the norm, what can we expect if they get permits for another thousand wells?

Should PXP also reactivate the 600 or so wells not currently in use, that would equal about 2000 wells pumping 24/7.

If I got it right, that would mean you, me and everyone surrounding the Baldwin Hills, would then have 3000-4000 times more risk for cancer than the norm.

Are you willing to put your family’s health at risk for more oil?

Your voice counts.

Your voice will help the County decide.

Will I see you, and concerned neighbors you bring, at this critical meeting?