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Fighting Back: Armenta Is a Man of His Word, She Says to Reader Charges


Election cycles begin with civility and good will amongst the candidates.

Just prior to Election Day, the tide always seems to turn…for the worse.

The vast majority of residents earnestly want to hear about the candidates’ positions on matters of importance to our city.

Yet there appears to be a small minority that mistakenly believes they help their chosen candidate by denigrating another. They disguise their “hit piece” as a “Letter to the Editor” in the local newspapers and websites.

The act is cowardly, a disservice to the community.

Case in point: A Letter to the Editor in this newspaper last Friday from Stefan Klee (“Criticism of Armenta for Some Claims He Has Made”) makes assertions about City Council candidate Christopher Armenta that are erroneous and ridiculous.

First, Mr. Klee suggests that Mr. Armenta’s full title should be “Elected Part-Time City Clerk.”

I ask Mr. Klee, should the City Council Members refer to themselves as “Elected Part-Time City Council Members”?

Should the City Commissioners refer to themselves as “Appointed by the City Council as Part-Time Commissioners”? Each and every one of these positions is considered “part-time” as the position holders have professional careers in addition to their commitment to public service.

Further, Mr. Klee asserts that Mr. Armenta has “lied” about his presence at Council meetings as well as information provided to the public on the City Clerk webpage.

In fact, Mr. Armenta has a documented strong and consistent presence at Council meetings. Mr. Klee asserts that the City Hall IT department provided the information on the Clerk’s webpage.

They did not.

They are the architects of the page, just as they create the pages for all departments on the city website.

But it was Mr. Armenta who provided the information and made it available to the public.

In fact, Mr. Armenta has made more information available to the public than any of his predecessors.

Another example of Mr. Armenta fulfilling his campaign promises.

Mr. Armenta has a stellar reputation as an efficient, organized and professional public servant.

Generally, Mr. Klee’s statements are not worthy of response, but because he called Mr. Armenta a liar and questioned his integrity, his assertions had to be addressed and exposed as fictitious.

Mr. Armenta’s record is public and accessible.

Mr. Armenta is renowned for his civility to and respect for the residents of this community. I suggest that Mr. Klee let go of his angry rhetoric and read Mr. Armenta’s platform.

I welcome him to join me in supporting an experienced, innovative, and proven leader — Christopher Armenta for City Council next Tuesday, April 8. www.votearmenta.com

Ms. Ward is the wife of Christopher Armenta.