Home Letters In Praise of Cooper’s Work as Parks-Recreation Chair

In Praise of Cooper’s Work as Parks-Recreation Chair


I’m supporting Jeff Cooper for City Council because he possesses two important qualifications: character and experience.

Jeff has a long record of participation in our community and experience in local government. He serves as Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission.

I have had the opportunity to watch his skills as he worked with four diverse commissioners and obtained consensus on many important issues.

As resident, homeowner, husband and father, his roots in Culver City are
Deep, and his concern for Culver City is sincere.

Speaking as a 25-year resident who loves living in Culver City, I can say without a
doubt, that Culver City is fortunate to have the opportunity to support such a worthy candidate. Next Tuesday, April 8, I urge all concerned Culver City voters to go out to their local polling place and vote for Jeff Cooper.