Home Editor's Essays Do Any People of Color Live in Your House? Why Not?

Do Any People of Color Live in Your House? Why Not?


Ever since Hillary and Barack announced during the summer that, if elected, they will unilaterally adopt a mandatory national program of racial egalitarianism, Diane and I have adopted a new and furtive
routine in the evenings after dinner.

You see, we take candidates’ threats seriously.

With the last of the children having moved out, each of us repairs to his favorite corner.

Headset firmly in place, Diane drifts toward her computer. She becomes practically invisible. A large but unobtrusive hood mutes the vividity of her computer’s screen. Diane is a quiet woman, and her face is barely discernable.

Melting Into the Darkness

In a far corner, with my favorite purple wool blanket draped about my shoulders, I pad toward my beloved rocking chair, which is illumined, modestly, by a table lamp and a struggling 60-watt bulb. Circled around the base of the old-time lamp are seven of the books I now am working on.

This hushed methodology is deliberate. We don’t want anyone to know we are home.

Passersby could not glance through our curtains and determine we are in, which, of course, is the idea.

Knock, Knock, Who Is There?

Especially with nightfall shading our neighborhood earlier at this time of the year, we are wary of suspicious after-dark visitors.

I, probably more than Diane, expect a door-knock at any hour from a politically minded, but certified, snoop:

“How many whites live in this house? he will wonder. “How many People of Color live here? How wide is the color gap? Does the gap bother you?”

Our dear, dear liberal friends, who disdain discussions of morality and ethics, remain obsessed with bean-counting.

Are there too few browns, too few blacks, too many whites, and why in the world does a gap exist?

How Many Purple Students?

Intimidated by the Left, America’s most prestigious universities nationwide have embarrassingly lowered their academic standards. They have sought to devise the exact formulaic totals of browns, blacks and whites — no one is concerned about reds or yellows — to create what the Left calls “a properly balanced campus.”

Leftists claim they desire a “colorblind” world. I fear they are insincere. If the Messiah came and the world suddenly went colorblind, every Lefty in America would become unemployed. There would be nothing left for them to complain about, and complaining is their motivation for arising each day.

Intellectuals, Take a Time-Out

This very morning, in the lead story in the entertainment section of the Los Angeles Times, the reporter Greg Braxton goes for the eye-catching headline instead of composing a substantive story. “Race” blared the headline. No further evidence was needed to lure readers inside.

I suppose we should be grateful when artists in Hollywood are arrested on charges of substance abuse. After all, this is the only time in their lives they commit a substantive act.

Almost always, the journalistic minions on the Left go for the gut instead of the mind. They are uncomfortable with intellectual challenges. They would be stumped. This would be like asking a prizefighter to identify his favorite social philosopher from each of the last three centuries.

Please Give Me Chaos

Many of America’s most influential liberals suffer from a compulsion disorder. Peace bores them. They need to stir the mix, to constantly prod the natives and set them on edge because their often disorderly mind-sets only thrive in a chaotic environment.

Witness Mr. Braxton of the Times, who brazenly displays an absence of maturity and thoughtfulness.

Left-Wingers Never Satisfied

In a wheeze of a story that has been written a hundred times before, he dusts off and trots out the threadbare “Yes, but” debate. The effete Mr. Braxton thought it was commendable that five television series this autumn would prominently that everlovin’ segment of the country known as People of Color.

But you knew there would be a “however clause” coming. The brains behind the shows, he bitterly gripes, are those doggoned banes of Western society, the most disgusting of all of God’s children, white males. Boo. Hiss.

Mr. Braxton makes his case in three consecutive sentences: “In one respect,” he writes, “the new shows are different from series already on the air, such as ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ that take place in a ‘colorblind’ world, in that they will confront race, cultural pride and conflict directly. But with all five shows, it’s not a person of color who will be steering that vision — as with much of network television, the series have white male show runners. The lack of minority prominence in the creative process of these new shows illustrates prime-time network TV’s continuing uneasiness with embracing diversity, even though some of the most popular series (‘Lost,’ ‘Heroes’) feature diverse ensemble casts, and two of TV’s most acclaimed series are run by people of color (Shonda Rimes of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ and Silvio Horta of ‘Ugly Betty’).”

I have a challenge for you, Mr. Braxton. As a white Jewish male, I have married a black girl, an Indian girl and two Jewish girls. What have you done for your country in the name of cultural diversity, Mr. Smarty Pants?