Home OP-ED Dissecting the Effect of Hooman’s Land Buy, Champion’s Loss, on South Sepulveda...

Dissecting the Effect of Hooman’s Land Buy, Champion’s Loss, on South Sepulveda Plan


Dynamics Blow up

Mr. Nissani’s unscheduled entry into what had been a cozy, private little party explodes the dynamics of a project that many critics say never has been very coherent anyway.

The entrepreneur, who is just in his 20s, is in an expansive mood.

How is this for contrast?

Two Directions

In the same week that Albertson Chevrolet, one of Culver City’s venerable car dealerships, at Washington and Sepulveda, is shutting down, Mr. Nissani is traveling — some say racing — in the opposite direction.

“Hooman probably has been planning to go beyond his present location ever since he arrived in Culver City,” said one businessman. “He is a very exciting visionary.”

City Hall is stunned — and immensely unhappy with the latest developments.

Breaking News

Until yesterday afternoon, they did not know that it was official that Mr. Nissani, a hard-charging, fast-moving young automobile dealer just outsnookered City Hall’s guy, the developer Bob Champion, for a prime piece of real estate — within the project,” as they say.

The coroner is speeding to the scene.

But it still is not clear what he will find when he arrives at 11469 Jefferson Blvd.

A Motivation

Said a Sepulveda Boulevard business owner this afternoon:

“Hooman bought the property that covers seven businesses on Jefferson because he does not think the project ever will be built.”

Peter Messinger, owner of The Aquarium, and one of the most outspoken business owners opposed to the teardown/rebuild, was a smiling man today.

Good News

He has been grim for months, rallying fellow owners on the west side of South Sepulveda to protest City Hall’s proposal for knocking down — or out — 77 businesses.

Mr. Messinger interprets the outslicker move as a major impediment.

“This helps us,” he said at mid-afternoon from behind a serious grin.

“It means that for the project to go through, the city will have to eminent domain one of the most important businessmen in Culver City.

Separate Information?

“Hooman must know something that the rest of us don’t.

“I don’t think the city has the will to eminent domain one of the big players.”

Alan Goldman is chair of the Citizens Advisory Committee that will hold its fourth meeting on Wednesday night at 7 at El Marino Language School in Sunkist Park to further review the project.

Changing Fast

Mr. Nissani’s daredevil move seems to change everything, in Mr. Goldman’s view.

He was looking toward City Hall this afternoon for guidance, waiting for a call back to see what Sol Blumenfeld, the new director of the Community Development Dept., is thinking.

“I want to know what City Hall’s game plan is — if they have one,” Mr. Goldman said.

‘No Impact’

Meanwhile, back in Sunkist Park, resident Chip Netzel said that Mr. Nissani’s land acquisition “is not a surprise,” and he declared it will have “no impact on Bob Champion.

“Champion wants Phase I, and the land we are talking about is in Phase II.

“If Champion has any role in the Sepulveda corridor, it is Phase I. Phase II is off the table.”