Home OP-ED Attack on Culver High Girl Was Rooted in a Volleyball Game Dispute

Attack on Culver High Girl Was Rooted in a Volleyball Game Dispute


Too Light or Just Right?

In the wake of the assault, other parents were angry because they felt the punishment was too soft.

Guided by the state’s Education Code, Culver High administrators handed the two attackers different penalties — one was regarded as the perpetrator, the other less culpable. Both girls were temporarily suspended from classes. Parents who criticized the verdict said the girls should have faced the possibility of expulsion — and they yet may.

What About Expulsion?

School District Supt. Dr. Myrna Cote said the case, which so far has received only peripheral attention from the School Board, will be presented more directly to Board members. Only the School Board has the power to expel, officials said.

Police said the victim gave the following account of events on Thursday, May 24:

During a fourth-period volleyball game, an annoyed teammate started to question her efforts when a ball landed between them on a return hit.

“Can you at least hit the ball?” the perpetrator complained. The victim replied that she was neither fast enough nor sufficiently coordinated to strike the ball that time. “Don’t raise your voice to me or I’ll hit you,” the perpetrator told the victim.

Who Wants to Fight?

After gym class, the under-fire student said she was standing at her locker when the perpetrator challenged her to a fight. “It was only a volleyball game,” the victim answered, adding that she did not want to fight.

“You aren’t talking so big now,” the perpetrator said.

The victim repeated that volleyball was only a game and that she had no appetite for scuffling. At that point, the perpetrator threw water on the victim, who started to walk away.

The perpetrator pursued her, shoved her, yanked her hair and punched the victim in the face several times when she turned around. Instead of swinging back, the victim headed for the principal’s office to seek medical treatment.

Recruiting a Helper

Later, the accomplice told police that the perpetrator had approached her to go on a special mission while attending a class inside the Tech Center.

The accomplice said her friend co-opted her to join her in the locker area “because she was going to get into a fight with another girl who was running her mouth and talking (nonsense).” The perpetrator also ordered her accomplice “to sock” the victim when they went to the lockers.

In describing the assault scene, the perpetrator and the accomplice gave accounts similar to the details related by the victim.