Home Letters Charter Change Critic Hits Fulwood’s Expansion Plans

Charter Change Critic Hits Fulwood’s Expansion Plans


Moving in

He is proposing to have the City Clerk’s office become part of his office. The goal, assumedly, would be for the City Clerk’s staff to take on some of the duties and responsibilities assigned to the City Manager’s office.

Nothing was mentioned of the share of workload from his office already being assigned to other departments.

An Expanding Office

Little was mentioned of the changes in the Organizational Chart, which is becoming totally top-heavy with the number of employees rolled into the City Manager’s office.

I am totally surprised that certain members of our City Council (members with a strong business background) could support this so wholeheartedly without having any financial information to back it up.

An Article of Faith

They are taking it on faith. Faith is a necessary part of all our lives, but it shouldn’t be part of business decisions. Dollars and sense should be.

What is even more amazing is that there was absolutely no mention in any of the local papers, that Mr. Fulwood, while doing away with (per his own numbers) up to 20 percent of the workforce, is asking for a second Assistant City Manager (a new position) and an Assistant to the City Manager (another new position).

Just a Title Swap

When the Charter Amendment was being debated last year, the voters were assured by the proponents of Measure V that this was only a “title change” and that there would be few, if any, changes to how City Hall was run.

Look Who Was Right

The opponents firmly believed that once anointed as City Manager, the [then] Chief Administrative Officer would ask for a larger staff, including more Assistant City Managers.

In retrospect, it appears that the losing side was correct after all and that the voters have been duped.