Home OP-ED When Lying Becomes Reporting, Commentary Turns into Propaganda

When Lying Becomes Reporting, Commentary Turns into Propaganda


The CBS program perpetrated a lie and a scam on the American people.

What They Knew

Did they know they were helping Clinton lie? The executive producer bragged about it later. He decided America did not need to know the truth about Billy Bob’s sexual foibles and escapades. Don Hewitt, like Uncle Walter, crossed the road into propaganda and lying to suit his own political desires.

He decided these things had no place in political discourse. Barney Frank thanks you from the bottom of his heart, Don.

Rather Liberal, Isn’t He?

Dan Rather, Uncle Walter’s successor at CBS, brought bogus data on a sitting President’s National Guard service before the American people as “truth.”

When caught, he defended the lie and the liar. His peers and Hollywood honored him.

Rationalize with Me

After all, didn’t President Bush win the first time on “hanging chads,” and the fact that doddering retired liberals from New York had lost the ability to read when they moved to Florida?

These are the same “investigators” who found out the cigarette companies were keeping from us that smoking was bad for our health.

Lessons for a Child

Gee, I don’t know how much investigating that took, but my Mama told me that when I was four.

But they did make a fat woman a millionaire by proving a styrofoam cup will break and burn you if you squeeze it between huge thighs. Now that is some useful data.

Goodbye reality, hello lukewarm java.

Thanks a million, “professional journalists.”

A Pivotal Moment

I remember the day the tide turned in American “journalism‚” during the present war.

On “Meet The Press,” a discussion was about embedded reporters‚ and the consensus was that the correspondents were getting too close to the troops and were becoming too “pro-American.”

Well, heaven forbid an American journalist‚ would not be willing to betray the troops. Thank you Uncle Walter for that insight.

Travel to Vietnam

If you would care to see the most classic piece of news management and propaganda, look at the pieces presented to the American people in 1968 about Vietnamese Police Chief Nguyen Ngoc Loan shooting a Viet Cong terrorist in the head.

You can catch it over and over again on the History "He shot a man in CIVILIAN CLOTHING in the head.”

The insinuation is that the man was a “civilian.” That he was a Viet Cong who had just been murdering secretaries and police in National Police Headquarters is never mentioned.

Act of Cleansing

That by wearing civilian clothing he gave up any claim to protection under international conventions is also never mentioned.

They take the time to mention that Loan drank a lot.

But they never mention he was crippled for life leading the charge, which retook the New Port Bridge from the communists in Saigon during May 1968.

A Conversion Process

By liberal news management‚ a stone terrorist became a hero‚ and an honest to God hero became a war criminal and a drunk.

Too bad my old General did not spill coffee in his lap at Burger King. Then he could have been a hero‚ and rich.

Everyone Encountered Trouble

I have known some professional journalists in my day. Each, at one time or another, ran afoul of management.

Did they misreport something?

Did they lie or try to call propaganda “news?"


They broke the left-handed rule of journalism.

They insisted that truth took pride of place over political correctness.

In the atheistic world of the liberal Left, that is an unforgivable sin.

Maj. Mark A. Smith, U.S. Army (ret.), served in Vietnam and Cambodia. He also was a Prisoner of War.