Home OP-ED P.U.P. Plus People Made Polish-up Day a Success

P.U.P. Plus People Made Polish-up Day a Success


Trees on the Way

We are waiting for the gate, which had to be special ordered. In addition, the three dead trees are currently being replaced by the city. They should be planted soon.

Part of the money for this project came from a $500 P.E.P. city of Culver City grant. The Friends of the Culver City Dog Park matched that amount and more to make the P.U.P. day complete.

Note the Donors

The plaques also are up now due to the hard work of the volunteers. They are beautiful.

Please take time to read the names of the major donor sponsors whose names are on the trees, benches, bulletin boards and water fountains.

A special thanks to Rich Kissel and Peter Vogel. They coordinated the plaques and the event from a site perspective, and to Amy Morgenstern who organized the volunteer calling.

Volunteer Roster

Our volunteers included: Loni Anderson, Lina Vasquez, David Vasquez, Russ Johnston, Kristen Keen, Robin Palanker, Michael Whitaker, Diane Buck, Jeff Reynolds, Jeff Cooper, Loleeta Stack, Emily Morishima, Elisa Munoz, Gil Barela, Christine Lunt, Sharon Reid, Ginny Kaufman, Bill Ames, Kyle Heffner, Tom Pickering, Tracy Montague, Judy Levitow, Sharon Zeitlin, Michelle Rhoden, Camilla Allred, Mr. Kissel, Ms. Morgenstern and your correspondent.

Without them and without Glen Islas and his City Parks staff, we would not have been able to accomplish so much.

And, thanks to Mehaul O’Leary of Joxer Daly’s Irish pub for the water and vitamin drinks.

We also gave out information to people who came to be a part of the micro-chipping clinic being held the same day.

Deadline Near

A reminder:

Amnesty for formerly unlicensed dogs who reside in Culver City ends this Saturday.

If you need a form to use to apply, please go to our website at www.culvercitydogpark.org and click on How to License Your Dog.

We are excited that the city is now licensing dogs in-house.

Original Plan

It was a part of all of our original proposals to build the park: to have dog licensing in-house in Culver City to increase the number of dogs licensed in the city, thereby offsetting animal control costs.

Congratulations to the city for doing this and working with Friends of the Animals on this issue. This increases the number of Culver City dogs who can legally use the Dog Park, and it makes the city a safer place to live.

Where to Turn

For Culver City residents who did not receive a June renewal notice from the city, the County may not have provided all names to the city for all dogs whose licenses will expire on Saturday.

Please call 310.253.601, the city’s Animal Control Office, for more information.

A Time to Give

We rely on your donations to do the work we do. If you use and enjoy the park, or just think what we’re doing is super, please send us a contribution to:

Vicki Daly Redholtz, Chair
Friends of the Culver City Dog Park
P. O. Box 4129,
Culver City 90231-4129.

Telephone: 310.390.9114. Fax: 310.397.2112,