Home Letters The Malsin Work Ethic

The Malsin Work Ethic

     I’ve seen Scott out delivering Neighborhood Watch flyers to more than six hundred homes several times a year to let people know about neighborhood meetings. He’s arranged opportunities for the community to meet with the Police Dept. and the city staff when there are important issues we need to know about.
     He has gotten so many trees planted along our streets, something we appreciate each and every day.
     The most striking example of his leadership I’ve seen was in the aftermath of the double homicide in Culver West Park a couple of years ago. Scott set up a meeting less than two weeks after it happened. There were about one hundred and seventy-five in attendance. People were anxious and upset.
     Talk about a tough test for a leader. Scott ran that meeting like he was born to do it. He was strong and caring. People left that evening knowing that things were going to be better, and that we had a real advocate who could get things done.
     Our neighborhood has benefited so much from Scott’s efforts. I know that Culver City will, too. He’s the sort of person who really gets things done, the real deal. Make sure to vote for him on April 11.
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