Home Letters Our Shiny, New 1947 Car

Our Shiny, New 1947 Car

     Culver City,in 1947, did not have: even one-fourth of its current population, the 405 (or 10) freeways, anywhere near two hundred  city employees, serious traffic problems, exploding populations in neighboring cities (which include gangbangers and lawbreakers), shopping malls or the homeless.
I guess you can see where I’m going with this. Things don’t just get changed because they’re hopelessly broken.They get changed to make them work better.They get modernized. They get updated. They get studied, analyzed and improved to meet the requirements of a growing, changing city government.
     I hope all my fellow residents of Culver City read and consider the new proposed Charter and vote on Tuesday, April 11, for an improved city organization.
     We should not be afraid to vote for a new Charter any more than we are afraid to ride in our new cars, use our new microwaves, and coffeemakers or fly on the latest model jet plane.
     It’s al good.

Judy Scott, Los Angeles 90066/Culver City