Home Letters Chance to Have a Say About South Sepulveda

Chance to Have a Say About South Sepulveda

Sunkist Park/Studio Village Residential Neighborhoods 2 seats

Fox Hills Residential Neighborhood 1 seat

Blanco/Culver Crest Residential Neighborhood 1 seat

Sepulveda Redevelopment Area Businesses/Property Owners 2 seats

Other Community Residents 2 seats

Other Community Businesses 1 seat

The selection of the members of the CAC will be made by the Agency Board similar to the way in which City Commissioners and Agency advisory committees are selected. This letter invites you to volunteer to become a member of the CAC by submitting an application. If you are selected to become a member, you will be asked to attend meetings on an as- needed basis in regard to the Redevelopment to provide staff, the Agency and Champion critical advice on proposed design, review the traffic study and its recommendations, and to discuss business tenants for the Redevelopment. As a CAC member, you will represent a cross-section of the community and become an important voice for the Redevelopment. CAC meetings will typically be held on weeknights and will require about a three-hour commitment per month from each member over the coming year.

The Redevelopment’s goal is to develop a cohesive plan for redevelopment of the site and will include housing, office, and retail/restaurant components. Some of the objectives of the Redevelopment include resolution of the traffic problem along the alleyway that runs adjacent to Segrell Way, to build desirable public amenities, enhance economic development and to employ good urban design and land use policies to create a unique sense of place in the community.

A copy of the application to become a CAC member is attached or, you may contact Christopher Evans at 310.253.5744 to arrange to pick up a hard copy at City Hall, have one mailed or faxed to you, or you may visit the Redevelopment’s web page at www.culvercity.org/citygov/r edevelop/proj_sepulveda.asp to download the application onto your computer.

Signed CAC applications are due no later than Monday, February 19, at 5 p.m. to:

Joe Susca,
Redevelopment Project Manager,

Culver City Redevelopment Agency
9770 Culver Boulevard
Culver City, CA 90232

During their public meeting of March 19, the Agency will appoint the nine CAC members. That meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and will be held in the Mike Balkman Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 9770 Culver Boulevard.

If you have any questions about the CAC or for updates on the progress of the Redevelopment, please visit the website at www.culvercity.org/citygov/r edevelop/proj_sepulveda.asp or contact Joe Susca at 310.253.5763 or Christopher Evans at 310.253.5744.


Joe Susca,
Redevelopment Project Manager

Copies: Agency members Carol Gross and Gary Silbiger Bob Champion, Champion Realty Ltd.
            Todd Tipton, Interim Assistant Executive Director
            John Fisanotti, Acting Redevelopment Administrator
            Christopher Evans, Management Analyst


The information contained on this form is for the use of the Culver City Redevelopment Agency Board members (the “Agency”) in order to fill vacancies on the Citizens Advisory Committee (the “CAC”) for the proposed Sepulveda Boulevard Redevelopment (the “Redevelopment”) However, all information on this form will become a public record and be available for public inspection or duplication as authorized by law.

As a member of the CAC, you will be asked to attend meetings on an as-needed basis in regard to the proposed Redevelopment to provide staff, the Agency and the Developer advice on proposed designs, traffic impact studies and their recommendations, and to discuss business tenants for the proposed Redevelopment. CAC meetings will typically be held on weeknights and will require about a 3-hour commitment per month from each member over the coming year. Please note that during their public meeting of March 19, the Agency will appoint the nine CAC members. That meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and will be held in the Mike Balkman Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 9770 Culver Boulevard.

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General Information

The CAC will be comprised of nine members comprised of the following areas:

1. Sunkist Park/Studio Village Residential Neighborhood 2 seats

2. Fox Hills Residential Neighborhood 1 seat

3. Blanco/Culver Crest Residential Neighborhood 1 seat

4. Sepulveda Redevelopment Area Businesses/Property Owners 2 seats

5. *Other Community Residents 2 seats 6. *Other Community Businesses 1 seat

*Other Community areas are defined as those geographical areas of the City that are not described in areas 1 through 3 above.

1. Name: __________________________________________ Telephone ________________________

Address:___________________________________________________ Zip ______________________

Business:__________________________________________ Telephone ________________________

Address:___________________________________________________ Zip ______________

E-mail address: __________________________________

I am a Business or Property Owner within the boundaries of the Redevelopment: YES______ NO______

I am a resident of areas 1-3 as described above: YES______ NO______

Answer the following: (Use additional sheets if necessary)

2. Community Service (List boards, commissions, committees and organizations on which you have served or currently serve; offices held and in what city.) ________________________________________________________________________________

3. Employment (Title and duties, current and past.)   ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

4. Education (Include professional or vocational licenses and certificates.)   ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


5. Are you a U.S. citizen? YES______ NO______

6. Are you registered to vote in Culver City? YES______ NO______

7. Have you ever been convicted, fined, imprisoned, or placed on YES______ NO______ probation for a felony or for a misdemeanor involving fraud?

8. Have you ever worked for Champion Development or the City of Culver City? YES______ NO______

(If, yes list titles and names of departments.)   ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

9. Are you related to any current City employees or appointees of the City YES______ NO ______ of Culver City or Champion Development? (If yes, indicate name and relationship.)   ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

10. Have there been, or are there now, any business circumstances which might reflect adversely on the propriety of your serving as a member of any body to which you might be appointed? (If yes, please explain)   ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

11. Why are you interested in being appointed to the CAC?   ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

12. What is there specifically in your background, training, education or interests which qualifies you as an appointee?   ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

13. What special qualities can you bring to the body to which you seek appointment?  ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

REMINDER: All information on this application will become a public record and be available for public inspection or duplication as authorized by law.

I hereby certify that the foregoing information is correct to the best of my knowledge

Signature:  _______________________________________________________________________


You are invited to attach additional pages, enclose a copy of your resume, or submit supplemental information which you feel may assist the Agency in its evaluation of your application.

Submit application(s) and attachments no later than February 19, at 5 p.m. to:

The Culver City Redevelopment Agency —
Attention Joe Susca, 9770 Culver
Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90232-0507.

Please note that during their public meeting of March 19, the Agency will appoint the nine CAC members. That meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and will be held in the Mike Balkman Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 9770 Culver Boulevard.

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OPTIONAL In order to assist the Agency in seeking to balance appointments in terms of geographic location of residence and/or business, ethnicity, gender and age, the following information is desirable but not required for application submission or appointment.

If a City resident, for how long? ______

If a City business owner/operator, for how long?______

Year of Birth__________

Male______ Female______
