Home Letters Lower Site Best for Skateboarders

Lower Site Best for Skateboarders

     Fewer parking conflicts with users of the playground, picnic tables, basketball courts and the new Culver City Dog Park (the Boneyard).
     The lower site is the most visible site. The lower site has the best straight-line of sight for Police Dept. patrols and the Park Patrol.  Nearly every city employee will pass by the corner of Duquesne and Jefferson at sometime during the day. 
     When patrolling on Jefferson Boulevard, the upper site would require the police officers to see right through the roofs of their cars.  
     The lower site does not require the cutting-down and the drastic trimming of trees and bushes at city expense.  Any grass space can be replaced elsewhere in Culver City Park.  Trees and bushes are also green space that produces oxygen for our environment.
     The Skateboard Park is a custom-designed $400,000 project.Why would we want to hide the new park behind trees and bushes?  If Councilmember Alan Corlin manages to delay this project for political purposes, we are going to have a Skateboard Park that cost $500,000.
     The bottom line for me is that the lower site is the safest site from a public safety point of view.      Naturally, we all want kids to skate as often as possible and as safely as possible at the new Culver City Skateboard Park.  The Skateboard Park is for the kids. The political “children” should stop the fighting and get on with the building.
Charles Deen, Culver City

Mr. Deen is a member of the Parks & Recreation Commission.