Home Letters Message to the City Council: Agendize Impeachment

Message to the City Council: Agendize Impeachment


There’s a war raging in the Middle East.

Many high schools are still encouraging students to join our armed forces. With the help of weapons of mass destruction and bombs, soldiers and civilians are being maimed and killed as President George Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney keep pushing the goalposts out of reach.

The media uses propaganda techniques to control what the government wants the public to know.

We are concerned about the secrecy of public officials, the misuse of tax funds, obvious lies, changing of strategy for personal gain, other methods of interpreting the Constitution, and more.

Meanwhile, we want to get more information to share with the public in order to have an open government.

And so the Iraqi War goes on and on.

Many are suffering from amputations, internal malfunctions, blindness, extreme mental chaos and more, while many have resorted to the comfort of body bags. Innocent friends and foes are also caught up in pain and destruction.

At last Monday’s City Council meeting, we asked to have impeachment agendized. Four out of five Councilmen did not want to hear about what we had to say.

However, it is one way of finding out about the call for impeachment. The process of conflict resolution is another way to share ideas.

Non-violence will help because the signing of a peace settlement is done in a non-violent atmosphere.