Home News 9 Culver High Y&G Students Are Sacramento-Bound

9 Culver High Y&G Students Are Sacramento-Bound


First of two parts

Culver-Palms YMCA students in Youth& Government program

In two days, Katherine Laase of the Culver-Palms YMCA will chaperone a record nine of her Youth & Government student members to Sacramento for a gigantic six-day Presidents Weekend learning experience.

Six were elected and three were appointed to leadership positions as a climaxing reward for their quest to understand how American government and the court system functions  ­– from the inside. ­

The Culver City delegation will be crowned by Lena Kettering, who will serve as Chief Justice of the state Supreme Court.

Hers may be a name to remember.

A three-year veteran of the Y&G program, Ms. Kettering last year was selected to participate in the new national judiciary ceremonies in Chicago. After the school year ends, Ms. Kettering will lead the California group for the second year in a row.

Ms. Laase, the Youth and Family Programs Director at the YMCA,  explains that there are two Youth and Government tracks available to students:

  • A model United Nations program is offered to sixth through eighth graders.
  • The model legislature and court program is for high schoolers.

‘The idea,” says Ms. Laase, “is that they are running their own government from lobbyists to senators to Assembly members. The court system includes experience in the various levels of courts, and they have trials as well.

“It is all done by kids.  At the website calymca.org, families and others can learn more about how all of this works.”

The 65-year-old program’s motto and goal is, “Democracy must be learned by all generations,” Ms. Laase said. “Whether or not students want to enter politics, this is an excellent opportunity to learn how everything works. It also is a chance for them to become more fully aware of what is going on politically in the state and the country.

“Within my delegation meetings, I push character-building, getting them to be more involved citizens within their community, getting them to build self-esteem, learning how to network, building long-lasting friendships and relationships. Throughout the learning process, they also are becoming better human beings.”

The other eight members of the all-star Culver City traveling party include:

  • Sydney Hibbs, Chief Clerk of the Assembly.
  • Roy Gonzalez, Legislative Analyst head.
  • Martin Beer, ASB President, President of the delegation and Chair of the National Issues Commission.
  • Isaac Harris, Committee Chair of the National Issues Commission.
  • Ryan Gray, Committee Chair for the Legislature.
  • Kenneth Snyder, Political Party Chair.
  • Michelle Gonzalez, Evening Producer for the Broadcast Media Program.
  • Susana Kalish, first-year student, is the Forum Committee Chair.

(To be continued)