Home OP-ED Antonio Fibs About Cabinet Job – Puts Truth in the Washing Ma-Sheen

Antonio Fibs About Cabinet Job – Puts Truth in the Washing Ma-Sheen



Who is Antonio kidding about why he abruptly dropped out of the running for Secretary of Transportation – besides the Los Angeles Times reporters and editors of both sexes with whom he shamelessly flirts to obtain glowing coverage of his antics in the pages of their financially failing newspaper?

TMZ took down Mayor Villaraigosa as sure as Captain Ahab went to war with Moby Dick!

Antonio won't be the taking his place in President Obama's cabinet thanks to TMZ newsman Harvey Levin and company! Congratulations!

Before the Mayor's disastrous visit to the Ganzo Hotel in Baja California, Mr. Villaraigosa had a lock on the future appointment as Secretary of Transportation.

A stoned mayor committed future political career suicide when he allowed an equally stoned Charlie Sheen to snap a  photo of the two dope buddies – revealing to the world a disheveled Los Angeles mayor, tie inexplicably missing and shirt- top unbuttoned, displaying the effects of hard-partying on his 59-year-old face.

As a result of the TMZ fallout, President  Obama, without fanfare, has banned Antonio from Cabinet consideration.


Do you think the President wants a photo of himself and Villaraigosa at the White House celebrating his Secretary of Transportation appointment appearing next to that infamous photo of Villaraigosa and Doper Sheen celebrating getting high together at a Mexican hotel?

That is exactly how the world media will react if Obama gets in front of the camera with his friend Villaraigosa anytime in the future.

The newly-opened Ganzo hotel is said to be controlled by the Sinaloa drug cartel. It is likely that surveillance cameras and hidden microphones captured every move of the mayor’s hotel stay.

That could be used as drug cartel blackmail if the President attempted to elevate Antonio.

Antonio's Senate confirmation hearing would be turned into a circus by the Republicans who would have access to the FBI investigation that all Cabinet candidates must undergo.

The L.A. mayor tried to save face over the weekend by preposterously telling a fawning Times reporter the real reason he was withdrawing his name from consideration:

After serving nearly eight years as mayor of Los Angeles, he would not dream of resigning more than a couple weeks before his term officially ends on June 30 to join the Obama cabinet.

When Antonio made that statement in front of reporters, the stench of bull was so overwhelming some scribes pinched their nostrils in disgust.

Mr. Walsh may be contacted at hollywoodhighlands.org