Home OP-ED Swish’s Newest Excuse for Skipping Town

Swish’s Newest Excuse for Skipping Town


Can we agree 99 percent of Swish Obama’s votes in the 2008 election were based on his blackness?

Their support was unrelated to his (still) non-existent policies because 100 percent of them, including Mad Michelle, did not know his beliefs from a poker hand?

Out of understandable cultural sympathy, Swish ascended to the White House.

This is richly – and disappointingly – ironic since the chameleon had ridden the rails of racism as he rose through the lower register of Chicago’s slimy brass knuckles politics throughout his pre-Presidential days.

But when the country hires an untrained amateur for its No. 1 job, the clumsiness of amateurism, of someone who never has been there, is sure to follow. A proclivity for stumbling has been the dominant trait of Swish’s Presidential resumé.

As with last year’s carefully calculated caravan of epiphanies – “I will advocate what ever it will take to get me re-elected” – Swishy’s latest ballyhooed legislation, immigration reform, is about as specific as a cloud formation.

Just Tell Me What to Say

Swish is a puppet of his strategists without a core philosophy of his own.

“Whatever it takes, boys,” is his mantra.

Watching Swish declaim about potential legislation is like trying to feed a teething 6-month-old squirming in his high chair. You can push food (ideas, in Swish’s case) toward his mouth, but most of it will whirl back at you at a faster rate of speed.

Since entering the White House, Swish and Mad M., have prattled and pranced like a pair of 12-year-olds who just won the lottery – read: nouveau riche.

“Look, Mad, we have all this money to spend,” and they have, lavishly by the hour.

Since the President, who scarcely has worked in his life and perspires at the hint of it, escaped his Washington dungeon for about the 4500th time yesterday.

Blowing a cool $1.7 million of the people’s money, he flew to Las Vegas to make a fatuous, ambiguous several-sentence pronouncement.

The Los Angeles Titanic Washington bureau reporter Chatty Kathy Hennessey adores Swish, and even she strained to make his amateurishness sound slightly polished.

She neglected to note that since his grandstanding was immigration reform, he lacked the courage (no surprise) to visit a border state. He went to forsaken Nevada.

And so, with the country gasping for economic air, the rhetorically obese Swish flies a couple thousand miles across country for a lark, to make a cotton candy pronouncement:

“I’m here today because the time has come for common-sense, comprehensive immigration reform. Now’s the time.”

The easily impressed Ms. Hennessey found the wording profound.

Parenthetically, she mentioned in a throwaway line that his vaguely sketched plan differs from a previously announced scheme by a bi-partisan group of senators in only two aspects:

As a fan of illegal immigration, he opposes tighter border control (now we know why he avoided Arizona and Texas) and he favors accelerated citizenship for 11 million illegal aliens.

That part of the story – the only crucial portion – Ms. Hennessey ignored.

She was too busy helping him preen his feathers and polishing fresh apples for him.
