Home OP-ED What, Me Worry?

What, Me Worry?


Dateline Dayton – Am I glad the election is over. If you believed any of the ads on television, neither of the Presidential candidates should have been elected. It’s only 10 days until Mr. Obama’s private inauguration, and 11 days until the public ceremony.

The majority spoke, and they appear satisfied with what has been accomplished during the last four years. The only problem is, during the next four years Mr. Obama doesn’t need to be concerned about getting himself re-elected. What has happened during the last four years is nothing compared to what we will see the next four. The President will concentrate on his agenda to make himself the leader of the world – after America.

Am I personally concerned? Not really. Anything he does will not have much effect on me. I will pay more for healthcare – if I even will qualify under ObamaCare. I might not be approved for treatment by his goon squad if I have a serious medical situation. My concern, though, is for my children, and especially our grandchildren.

How will they cope in this new world, having to deal with China =while handling the massive debt President Obama created to get himself elected to another term? This after he himself said he should not be re-elected if he didn’t have the country back on track. Our country is far from being on trac. We never will get on track if we don’t demand more accountability from all our elected officials, city, state and federal.

Our city of Kettering had two issues on the ballot that made sense. Both won my support, even to the extent of distributing literature and posting a yard sign. One was term limits. We need them across the board. The second was reducing the pay of city commissioners. I am pleased to report both passed. It’s good to know that Kettering has a majority of intelligent people. Mr. Romney also carried Kettering, but not Montgomery County.

Let’s make 2013 the year we hold all our elected officials accountable and cut out all the freebies they are getting at our expense. Elected officials should not have a retirement plan. Serving as an elected official should not be a profession.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net