Home News The Kevin James Mayoralty Campaign Is Gaining Altitude

The Kevin James Mayoralty Campaign Is Gaining Altitude


Kevin James, the only Republican, the only outsider, the only non-elected official among the Los Angeles mayoralty candidates, is gaining not only momentum but credibility from unlikely sources.

Several days after emerging as the leader in a voter-poll taken directly after the most recent candidates’ forum, the Los Angeles Times unpredictably splashed a decidedly laudatory, almost glowingly upbeat, account of the underdog’s rising campaign beneath the headline “Outsider Runs for L.A. Mayor.

Arguably, the 49-year-old Mr. James, a former federal prosecutor and radio talk show host, consistently has presented the most substantive, pragmatic responses in the ongoing forums leading up to the March 5 primary.

Respected longtime journalist Ron Kaye moderated the aforementioned debate on the Westside, before a homeowner audience of about 70. It was so exclusive canidate team members were barred.

You may read Mr. Kaye’s views here:


After the debate, each audience member was asked:

“If the election were held today, which candidate would you vote for?”

Kevin James, 54 percent

Eric Garcetti, 10 percent

Wendy Greuel, 32 percent

Jan Perry, 5 percent

The questionnaire also asked for comments:

• We need to be desperately seeking independence from public unions and other special interests. Desperately hungry for change. I'm tempted to try another outsider.

• All spoke well and were informed.

• All candidates are articulate and well-informed.

• Let's start again. How much worse can it be?

• Kevin is the only one with clean hands.

• Kevin made good points, but needs to be on a city staff first to see how the city works.

• Kevin is the only one with independence.

• I need to go to their websites and review statements.

• All four are amazingly glib, but they lack true substance in analyzing the city's problems.

• The people currently in office have not monitored the city. They don't deserve to have a higher office.

• Eric's lateness and refusal to accept responsibility for past votes (using money from designated funds for some other purpose) shows personal arrogance and a disregard for the law. He's smart and has a good handle-on technology, but will do anything because for him the ends seem to justify the means.

• Wendy just couldn't keep from throwing her job as City Controller into the conversation, but her substance on answers regarding what she would do as mayor was shallow. She even had to be reminded to answer the question asked vs. just giving political bluster.

• Jan's answers were okay. She seemed to echo everyone else.

• They all seem like nice people, but as mayor, only Kevin was forceful and seemed to have a new outlook and realistic approaches.

• Eric is head and shoulders above everyone else on technology.

• I'm tired of the political talk. We need real answers to the city's problems, not just same old, same old.

Kevin James’s site: www.KevinJamesforMayor.com