Home OP-ED The Most Fun I Ever Have Had

The Most Fun I Ever Have Had


[img]560|left|Nicholas D. Pollak|remove link|no_popup[/img]The business I am in is the most fascinating experience I have ever had, including working on many different recorded and live shows for the CBS Television network.

My TV career was a lot of fun. I loved everyone I worked with. Going to work every day was a pleasure. For some reason, going to work never really seemed like I was.

My wife, who had been with CBS for 30 years, had said to me, “If you want a career that is fun, and that will leave you more tired at times than you ever have been, then TV is the place for you.”

I never realized how many interesting people there are. It is even better when they bring their issues to me so I may help to resolve them through clinical hypnotherapy.

New, It Isn’t

Clinical hypnotherapy has been around for thousands of years. Ancient races as well as the vestal virgins of old, royalty through the ages, monks, priests and, of course, less desirable individuals. The unsavory category would include Rasputin, the Mad Monk. Raised on a farm in rural Russia, through hypnotism he became the close confidante of the Czarina of Russia. He was in it for the power and the money. Ultimately, he was killed by political factions that didn’t like the influence Rasputin wielded.

Hypnosis can be used for bad or good. In either case, it is effective – with few exceptions – for those willing to accept that hypnosis is a powerful healing tool when used correctly.

Hypnosis has eliminated chronic pain, panic and anxiety. Improved motivation, sports’ and work performances. Made birthing easier by reducing pain levels and blood loss. Reduced stress, boosted and strengthened one’s immune system, aided in memory improvement, concentration, relationships, quitting smoking, losing weight, even aiding a memory in finding lost objects.

Feeling Powerful

Imagine as a hypnotist, knowing that most issues that are presented are resolved through the use of clinical hypnotherapy. You can assist any person to ease, to eliminate all presenting issues. The difficulty is to ensure that the issue presented is the one the client wants resolved.

My clients recently have been congratulating me for helping them achieve the changes they desire. I remind them they do not need. Nor should they thank me. They are paying for a service, and I am there to help them. I can aid each client because the person is willing to allow hypnosis to occur. He or she gives me the honor of trusting me.

Hypnosis does not emanate through me. This was debunked in the mid-18th century by a five-man committee in Paris. It included Benjamin Franklin when Franz Mesmer, a famous hypnotist, held that hypnosis emanated through him, strengthened by magnetized iron bars. Even though he was disgraced by exposure of his phony claim, the fact that the person he set out to hypnotize was hypnotized, demonstrated to the committee what hypnosis could accomplish, without the iron bar.

Street Runs Two Ways

When a client comes to me, he must be willing to accept he will be hypnotized. As I tell all clients, “If you follow my suggestions, quickly, without thinking too much about them, you can expect a pleasant, hypnotic experience.” I remind them I cannot do anything unless they are willing to go along with what is suggested to them.

A woman who came to see me about quitting smoking was not willing to do anything other than sit in a recliner and hypnotize her. She vowed not to do any of the associated work. She had the wrong idea about how I could do help her. The outcome: She was not successful in quitting smoking. Unfortunately, she blamed me.

Hypnosis opens new pathways, creates new imagery, thoughts and ideas, designed to resolve all issues presented. Clients only need act on the new ideas when the subconscious gives them. When they do as instructed, changes always are fast and successful.

Knowing that clients often have gained life- changing experiences from the work they do with me leaves me feeling that such a person is capable of changing the world.

Why not let that person be you? Come see me sometime

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net