Home OP-ED World Frets Mindlessly Over Jews. So Does a British Jew-Hater.

World Frets Mindlessly Over Jews. So Does a British Jew-Hater.


Do ya think the world is a mite cockeyed, pal?

In the most recent war against the Jews, which ended less than a week ago, 162 mostly terrorists died on the aggressors’ side, dozens, you should know, at the hands of the sloppy aggressors themselves. Remember the number, 162.

The name of the aggressors’ team is immaterial.

Could have been Lebanese, Latvians, Connecticut Yankees or rabid squirrels with head colds.

What matters, dear reader, is not that the faceless aggressors killed six Jews but that the Jews had the temerity not only to shoot back but to actually blow up a handful of their tormentors.

As you will see in a letter below, the nutty British Foreign Minister, William Hague, said that by jove, if the Israelis can’t take a little rocket fire, but insist on taking a ground war across the border, “they risk losing international sympathy.”

A Graduate of Obama U.?

William must have studied world history at the renowned Obama School of Flexible Responses.

The last time the Jews won “international sympathy,” William, was a month before Eve and Adam were born.

If your memory goes back as far as Nov. 15 and Nov. 16, you will recall that The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times soberly, angrily pummeled the Netanyahu government in Jerusalem for “over-reacting,” for responding beyond proper proportion, whatever measurement that is, merely because more than a hundred rockets a day were raining on Israel, which is the size of New Jersey.

You probably remember when those peace-shlepping lefties at the Times and the Times were offended by other countries reacting “disproportionately” just because they were attacked by hoodlums.

I can’t, either.

There were none.

The Times and the Times, you see, selectively conserve their vulgar bile for spewing against the Jews they hate.

Stop the World and Watch

For eight days this month, the most easily distracted planet in the galaxy obsessively was focused on Israel, menacingly daring the Jews to cross the border and engineer a ground offensive against terrorist taunters who live in a dump, even by Arabs’ minimal standards.

Israel’s detractors not only counted but named the “non-combatants” whom Israel killed, even though some climbed down from stretchers bearing their “dead” bodies after the cameras were turned off.

Shall We Compare Bodies?

Keep in mind the 162 persons from the terrorist aggressors’ country while we report that upward of 52,000 Syrians have killed each other in Frankenstein Assad’s civil war in the past 20 months.

Fifty-two thousand.

The world does not give a darn about 52,000 Syrians dying because it is Arab killing Arab, the American equivalent of blacks killing blacks. America shrugs. The world shrugs. Our sensitive President shoves his fists deeper into his pockets, yawns without covering his face, and returns to a basketball game on television.

The New York Times reported that Our Sensitive President patiently, impressively, was on the telephone last week with Frankenstein Morsi, the new tyrant of Egypt, “three times within 24 hours and six times over the course of several days,” trying to figure out how to keep Israeli troops from crossing the border. The “comedian” Jamie Fox calls the President “our lord and savior,” and who but a spoilsport would deny it.

Yet Our Sensitive President has not devoted five minutes to Syria since a year ago last March. Hillary did, though. She called Assad “our idea of a reformer.” You go, girl.

Syria has become the most dangerous country in the visible world. Our evidence is that the Los Angeles Times, which prances about Israel as if it owns the land, not only refuses to risk the life of a journalist by ordering him to go in, it is too afraid to use his name on stories about Syria, fearing retribution from Assad’s terrorist boys and girls. This morning’s page 1 story disingenuously was signed “By Times Staff.”

Good thing Assad’s Pop threw out most of the Jews decades ago. Otherwise, o the Times would be forced to risk its left-wing limbs and enter Syria stealthily to find out what Jews were shooting Arabs (in self-defense).

The Times and the Times pay more attention to the price of toothpaste in Uganda than to 52,000 Arabs killing each other.

Courtesy of our friend Diane Rosenberg, here is an open letter a British Jew wrote to the despicable Foreign Minister Hague, with British punctuation:

Dear Mr Hague:

You have stated that if Israel tries to defend its population through a ground offensive in Gaza ‘it risks losing the sympathy of the international community.’ Let me tell you something about the sympathy of the international community, Mr Hague. My father was liberated from Buchenwald concentration camp in 1945, having lost his entire family but gaining the sympathy of the international community at the time.

After 6 million Jews had been annihilated at the hands of the Nazi regime, the international community had plenty of sympathy for the Jewish people. There is always plenty of sympathy for victims.

Israel doesn’t need the sympathy of the international community. What it needs is to defend its citizens. When as a tiny country it gained its independence in 1948, it had to absorb 800,000 Jews who were thrown out of Arab lands in the Middle East, and it did so without fuss and with dignity giving them shelter and a place of security in which their children could grow up to become productive citizens.

When Jordan, Egypt and Syria tried to destroy Israel in 1948 and again in 1967, they took in hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs, but did they give them dignity or shelter? No, they left them to rot in refugee camps in order to maintain a symbol of grievance against Israel and use them as a political tool against the Jewish state. What has arisen in those camps is a complicated situation, but it is what has led to Gaza today.

So don’t lecture Israel on international sympathy, Mr Hague.

Not when Israel has just sent in 120 truckloads of food into Gaza to feed the Palestinian people there, because their own leadership is more interested in using its population as human shields, launching rockets against Israel from within major civilian centres.

Don’t lecture Israel on international sympathy, Mr Hague. Not when Israel targets with as much military precision as it can, only terrorists and their bases, trying its utmost to prevent civilian casualties.

Don’t lecture Israel on international sympathy, Mr Hague. Not when the Palestinian media deliberately uses images of victims of the Syrian civil war and presents them as casualties in Gaza to gain international sympathy.

Go read your history books, Mr Hague. Go see that since the beginning of the twentieth century all the Arabs wanted to do was destroy Israel. Go look at the country of Israel now since the Jews have established a state there. Go read what advances in science, medicine, biotechnology, agriculture, high tech Israel has developed, and dedicated that knowledge to making the world a better place for humanity. Can you imagine any other country that after 60 years of continuously being under attack could have achieved so much?

So Mr Hague, don’t lecture Israel on international sympathy. Israel will do whatever it takes to defend itself from outright attack on its citizens, whether it be from Hamas, Hizbollah, Iran or any other country or terrorist group that attacks it.

And if it loses the sympathy of the international community, so be it. We don’t need the international community’s sympathy. We don’t need another 6 million victims.

Yours sincerely