Home OP-ED A Sale of Rare Treasures – Plus a Surprise Wedding

A Sale of Rare Treasures – Plus a Surprise Wedding


Dateline Dayton – Awhile back, I told you about a house Pauline and I toured that had its original furnishing, toys and other items, which were over 75 years old.

Last weekend, the person liquidating the home referred to as the Time Capsule had its first sale, by invitation only. Since the gentleman who lived in his parents home until his death, had worked for National Cash Register, there were many NCR items to be sold.

While originally touring the home, I stumbled onto a conversation about the sales that would be taking place and that a lot of NCR items would be sold. I introduced myself to Mark, who is handling the estate. I offered to help with the NCR items. He took my name and said he would call.

Sure enough, he called while I was on my way to the pizza party with the Cash Register Collectors Club, when I was in St Charles. We made arrangements to get-to-gather on Saturday afternoon, the 13th.

I met him at the house, took a quick tour, then proceeded to be basement where the NCR collection were stored. Nothing outstanding, but interesting. I went through some pieces, pointing out what they had been selling for and what they sell for today. I asked Mark if he wanted to use my tables.

His plan was to have the sale on Saturday and Sunday, the 17th and 18th. Mark told me I could invite anyone I wanted, so I told him I would send invitations to members and friends of the Cash Register Collectors Club who live in the area.

Let’s Work Together

During the week Mark called to take up my offer to use the tables and asked if I could stop by on Friday to help with pricing. I was happy to oblige.

I was disappointed Mark chose not to put all the paper out for this sale. I did list “a lot of paper” in my invitation. However, he was in charge. I was pleasantly surprised how we agreed on pricing. I offered to help with the sale on Saturday and Sunday, and he took me up on that offer.

Friday turned eventfully. As I mentioned, I took the afternoon off work to help with pricing the NCR items to be sold at the estate sale. In the evening we were going to a fish fry at a church just south of our home. Before leaving our house, the phone rang. Our son Jon announced to his mother that he had gotten married earlier in the day. A real shock! Although he has been living with this girl for some time, he had never said anything about the possibility of marriage.

We did attend the fish fry with our son Chris and received phone calls from Darlene and Bill, as they heard the news from Jon. Lisa took the news in stride, as we knew she would.

Saturday morning, Pauline and I went out for breakfast, trying a new place and deciding there would be no reason to return. After breakfast it was on to our granddaughter Julia’s basketball game, a blowout they lost 35 to 6. Jon was there, without his new wife. I said nothing but “hi.” Pauline asked a few questions.

Saturday afternoon I headed over to the sale. I was pleased with the turnout and that everyone purchased something – in some cases, non-NCR items. We were busy the first couple hours, and the rest of the day was slow. Sunday was very slow. At 2:30, I left. Both days the hours were 1 to 5.

In case you were wondering, it was necessary to purchase a few pieces every time I visited the house. The next sale, which will be advertised, is going to be Nov. 30-Dec. 1. Unfortunately, I will not be able to provide much help with that sale because I must be at work on the 30th and we have plans for the 1st.

The Wider World

I realize there are lots of problems in the world, our country, our cities and our economy, as well as family problems. In spite of these, all of us should be able to find something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving Day.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net