Home OP-ED 10 Reasons to Remove Henry Waxman

10 Reasons to Remove Henry Waxman


With only hours left to vote today, I have outlined 10 reasons not to elect U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman to his 39th year in Congress:

1. He has neglected the plight of our veterans. Thousands live homeless and barely survive while their intended home, the Brentwood VA, remains abandoned or is leased out to private interests. This is reason enough to send Waxman packing for good:


2. While serving as chairman of the Oversight Committee, then the House Energy and Commerce Committee, he did nothing to resolve two major complaints against the Clean Water Act, now bankrupting private property owners, while preventing meaningful building and investment on private lands.


3. He opposes free speech, convinced that he does not have to honor questions from constituents who do not agree with his policies. Such is the arrogance of power, exacerbated by 38 years in office without a viable challenger.


4. Having no significant record to run on, Waxman reruns old achievements – attacking Big Tobacco and drafting legislation about clean water and clean air. Yet even with these legislative achievements, our state and local civic leaders deserve the greater credit for our clean air and water, not a Congressman.


5. Congressman Waxman has a growing record of incompetence, from his ignorance of the steroid laws in this country while running hearings on steroid abuse in baseball, to his ignorance about the details in his own bill, to his ignorance about the fact that GM went bankrupt in 2009.


6. He was the chief author and cheerleader for ObamaCare, another unfunded entitlement creating the opposite of its intended effects, including the closure of hospitals, diminished access to health insurance, and increased costs for health care. This law must be repealed. Waxman will be one more roadblock to prevent this much needed repeal.


7. He has been in office for 38 years. He is the poster boy for electoral reform, term limits, and an enlightened citizenry keeping power of the many out of the hands of one. Enough already.



8. He has voted against every middle class and working class tax cut. For all the harping on increasing tax cuts on the rich, wouldn't it be nice to have a representative who would ease the tax burden for struggling Americans of every class?


9. He has advanced one set of policies, only to reverse his stance on these issues, including the Subway to the Sea along Wilshire Boulevard. In the same interview, he contradicted himself on the most basic of issues, including the state of the economy and the enforcement power of his own ObamaCare bill.


10. The tepid endorsements Waxman has received identify him as a Washington politician who relies on local votes to stay in power. This district deserves leadership that will respond to local needs, not personal gain. Waxman does not even live in the District anymore.



For more reasons to remove Waxman and elect Bill Bloomfield to replace him, see waxmanwatch.blogspot.com

Mr. Schaper of Torrance, a teacher turned writer “on all topics timely and timeless,” may be contacted at aschaper1.blogspot.com and at asheisministries.blogspot.com