Home OP-ED I Have Questions About the Shoddy Clouds Around Huizar’s Car Crash

I Have Questions About the Shoddy Clouds Around Huizar’s Car Crash


[Editor’s Note: Driving a city-owned Toyota Highlander, Los Angeles City Councilman Jose Huizar, 44, was involved in a three-car accident last evening between 6 and 7 o’clock on East 1st Street in East L.A. The car in front of him sustained heavy damage. Mr. Huizar passed a sobriety test and was released.]

Huizar Crashgate.

The plot thickens.

Where’s Jose?

Hiding out at home while licking his wounds from the accident?

Right after the City Council adjourned at 1:40 this afternoon, hollywoodhighlands.org asked Councilman Dennis Zine why Councilman Jose Huizar was absent today?

Mr. Zine promptly replied: “He' is home recovering.”

Apparently this accident wasn't as minor as Mr. Huizar's staff is telling the pliant press.

Was he issued a traffic ticket at the scene?

Has the LAPD'S investigation of the Huizar crash been closed or is it ongoing?

Did the officers who arrived at the accident scene contact their commanding officer once they found out that they were dealing with an L.A . City Councilman?

Was Mr. HuIzar asked to under go the standard sobriety test that involves oral commands from the officers to determine the suspect's physical balance?

The mainstream media continues to show no curiosity about this mysterious crash.

We ask the LAPD Inspector-General to examine Jose Huizar cell phone records to discover who he called after the accident?

Did Huizar call a ” guardian angel” at LAPD asking for special treatment?

In reaction to my blistering two minutes on Huizar Crashgate during the General Public Comment at the end of today's City Council meeting, Council President Herb Wesson said publicly that he has been informed that Huizar “voluntarily” took the breathalyzer test.

Has LAPD, on the record, confirmed any of Huizar's version of the crash incident as released not by Huizar himself but by his obedient staff?

Was Huizar or anybody else traveling in Huizar's car wearing a seatbelt at the moment of the crash?

Expect the L. A.Times to look the other way while one-sidedly reporting this story under pressure from Mayor Villaraigosa,Huizar's mentor.

The rest of the media unhesitatingly either follows the Times’s lead in a major story or matches the Times’s lack of interest in a major story that might damage the Tribune Corp.'s relationship to the powerful Los Angeles City Council.

Mr. Walsh may be contacted at hollywooddems@gmail.com