Home OP-ED Waxman Worried? He Agrees to Debate Bloomfield Tomorrow Evening

Waxman Worried? He Agrees to Debate Bloomfield Tomorrow Evening


[img]1578|left|Mr. Bill Bloomfield||no_popup[/img]On Wednesday evening, there will be a major debate for the newly redesigned 33rd Congressional District between incumbent Henry Waxman and challenger Bill Bloomfield.

The League of Women Voters at the Community Room at Hess Park, 29301 Hawthorne Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes. The debate starts at 6:30.

What Is at Stake: U.S. Rep. Waxman (D-Beverly Hills to the South Bay) is the entrusted public servant representing the largest VA in the nation for the last 38 years. He has failed our Veterans miserably. Tomorrow, we need honest answers and honest solutions from both candidates

[img]1577|left|Mr. Henry Waxman||no_popup[/img]
Poor care for veterans becomes campaign issue” – Steve Lopez http://www.latimes.com/news/local/

In Mr. Lopez’s recent Los Angeles Times essay, Mr. Waxman admits that after nearly four decades as the elected steward to oversee the VA in the nation with the largest Veteran population in the nation, he has not “devoted” himself to Veteran issues.

Not only inexcusable but unforgivable.

Mr. Waxman also admits that he “doesn't have a particular vision for how to best use the VA property,” even though the land was legally and permanently deeded as a National Home for Disabled Soldiers nearly 125 years ago.

There are numerous empty buildings while Veterans land has been leased for non-Veteran use. Mr. Waxman further admits he doesn't know how much money was generated from the leases or where it went.

This is criminal.

Under Henry's “watch,” Los Angeles became our nation's capital for homeless Veterans – 20,000 disabled and disadvantaged Veterans living homeless and hungry on Skid Row and in back-alley squalor.

The real reason Henry “doesn't have a vision for Veterans property” is because Veterans Park Conservancy, which is not a Veterans organization but a wealthy homeowner group, has its own vision to turn this sacred land into a public community park. Henry and U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein are major supporters of the public park plan. They have aided the homeowner group to achieve their self-serving agenda.

We Veterans know there are a lot more issues that need to be addressed. Wednesday will be a good time to start demanding answers as we move toward to the Nov. 6 election.

Veterans who dutifully served ourcCountry and were honorably discharged do not have to live in the 33rd Congressional District to attend this debate and be heard. But prepare your questions in advance.

By Mr. Waxman’s own admission in a 2007 letter to then-Secretary of the VA James Nicholson, he declared:

There are more veterans living within 50 miles of the West LA VA than there are in 42 other states combined, and we need a plan that focuses on their needs.

So-called “plans” always have included Mr. Waxman's pet project, the public park. He never looks out for Veterans’ “needs,” only the “wants” of his wealthy Westside constituents.

Being the elected public servant to oversee the largest VA in the nation is an extraordinary responsibility and a patriotic honor. Yet Mr. Waxman has neglected so many thousands of Veterans entitled to shelter, care and service at the Los Angeles VA.

Let us not forget that Mr. Waxman was sworn into office just a few months before the end of the Vietnam War.

Nearly 40 years later, 47 percent of today’s homeless Veterans are from the Vietnam War era. Henry's record reflects that he has made zero effort to provide any emergency shelter whatsoever, not to mention his complete negligence to provide permanent supportive housing in accordance with the Congressional Act of 1887 and the legal Deed of 1888.

Instead of serving Veterans, Congressman Waxman has served and aided his wealthy constituents so they can convert the property at the National Veterans Home into a national public park. Shamefully, this exiles thousands of disabled and disadvantaged Veterans.

This is “dereliction of duty,” a disgrace.

Enough is enough. It's time to bring an end to this national disgrace.

Fellow Veterans: If you live anywhere within 50-plus miles of the Los Angeles VA, please show up.

Think about what Mr. Waxman conceded: More Veterans within 50 miles of the largest VA than in 42 states combined.

Yet he is the only member of Congress to represent Veterans services at the largest VA in the nation for the past 38 years, and he isn't a Veteran.

Notice: This is a debate, not a protest. Correspondingly, Veterans will conduct ourselves in the same civil and peaceful manner as our Sunday Rallies over the past 4 1/2 years. The coming weekend will be our 241st consecutive Sunday Rally to “Save Our Veterans Land” and to “Bring Our Homeless Veterans HOME.”

We have maintained a peaceful, non-violent mission even though the opposition sent armed VA police to issue false arrests while we were harassed, intimidated, photographed, spied upon, stalked, and interfered with during our peaceful demonstrations. We've been falsely insulted, verbally assaulted, physically threatened, lied about and lied to, including everything else imaginable. Our civil, peaceful demeanor has not been disturbed. Let the opposition show who they really are, the bullying aggressors.

Make no mistake, there will be attempts by the anti-Veteran crowd to cast Veterans as renegades and uncivil. It has failed before and will again. Veterans are respectful, disciplined American citizens.

If it weren't for America's Veterans, there would be no free public debates and elections.

Show up on Wednesday evening.

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution.

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at RRosebrock1@aol.com