Home OP-ED How a Family Man Stays Busy

How a Family Man Stays Busy


Dateline Dayton – The past week has again been another busy one. On Thursday evening I was at the Learning Tree Farm, helping to get things ready for the golf outing dinner on Friday and our annual Autumn Fest the following day.

Friday I went into the office for a short period, and then it was on to my cardiologist appointment. He still doesn’t know why I have pains, but says I’m fine.

From the hospital, where his office is located, it was back to the Farm. Today was the golf outing, and I promised to meet everyone for dinner and the awards ceremony. Since I am not a golfer, there was no need for me to be at the course.

Later on Friday I met Pauline and we attended Homearama, on the former site of National Cash Register’s Sugar Camp. Smaller than in the past, there were only five homes to visit. It was interesting to see the expensive homes and how they were decorated. I wasn’t that impressed, though, with the homes or location.

Friday evening, our son Jon and his girls came to the house for the weekend. We really enjoy having them, but it is sad he doesn’t have a place to take them that they can really call home. He gets Julia and Madison every other weekend, and this is complicated by the face that his live-in girlfriend doesn’t get along with his children.

Next day, I was back at the Farm early to work Autumn Fest. Jon took the girls to their soccer game, after which Pauline joined them and they came to the Farm where we all had lunch.

No Cowards or Cowlicks Here

On a beautiful day, the attendance set a record. The cows even cooperated. The Cow Pie Plop Game, a fundraiser, was over in fifteen minutes. I worked the welcome table, so I spoke to most as they entered the Farm. Many said it was their first time to visit. As they were leaving, they reported having a great time.

Sunday there was a Mass in Piqus for my Mom and Dad in Piqua. Afterward, we went for breakfast with my brother, my sisters and their spouses.

Back home, I had help from Julia and Madison in completing delivery of the campaign literature, as promised. Jon cut the grass, which I appreciated.

I try to make Monday evenings times of rest – except for this week. I needed to get things ready for my trip to Georgia and Florida. We did go out to eat at our favorite chicken place.

On Tuesday I picked up my brother’s truck and trailer for the trip, which began yesterday morning.

At an early hour, my brother-in-law Willie and I were on our way to Georgia to visit Gallery 63, the Auction House seen on television. I have cash registers I want to sell.

I will keep you posted how that turns out. From there, we drive on to Florida to move my son Chris back to Dayton.

More on our travel adventures next week.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net