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Changes That Even You Can Make


[img]560|left|Nicholas D. Pollak|remove link|no_popup[/img]Another week and another chance to share with readers the benefits of hypnotherapy, the amazing opportunities you can create for yourself by using the wonderful power of your subconscious.

You have heard a million times how your subconscious can help you be a better person. I used to think this was rubbish. It is not.

A gentleman came to see me a few weeks ago because he wanted to change his mind set, to do better at work, to lose weight, to understand relationships better. He was seeking to regain some things he had lost.

In his mid fifties, he did not have the energy he used to have. He was jealous of what friends had and distressed because he did not.

Such thinking is destructive. Unless you accept that your decisions brought you where you are, you will remain in that dark, energy-sapping place. Constantly comparing yourself to others is a recipe for disaster.

His mindset was off. He had forgotten that he gained what he used to have by working hard. When he started, he did the necessary work to create success. His life and finances changed when he divorced his wife. He wanted to regain what had been successful when he was 25 years younger.

Those Were the Days, but…

It is an advantage that he has a lifetime of experience in his industry. When I prodded him, he realized he was capable of reestablishing his success quickly because he easily could avoid the mistakes he committed the first time.

It was important for him and it is for others in a similar position to understand a new self-image is needed. One must see this image in detail to feel the desired success, happiness and prosperity.

You will want to believe in the image you are creating. The subconscious is so powerful that as you continue to build and believe in the image, you act as if the change has occurred. The subconscious absorbs this information. It does not determine what is good or bad, right or wrong, real or false. The conscious mind does that. It puts forward ideas that will help you to attain your goals.

You need to accept the notion you have been doing things by rote for a long time. It can be an irritant for a person who is used to doing a task one way to find he must change. The person will actually have to start thinking again. Thinking reopens pathways that had been closed down because everything was familiar.

Change is difficult, but change is inevitable.

Celebrate What Is New

I encourage anyone facing change to embrace it, to enjoy the differences. Try to change things on your own and observe how you handle self-imposed switches. Drive a different route to work. Put your handbag or keys in a new place when you get home. When dressing, put your right leg into your pants first instead of your left. These are small changes.

Having mentioned them, you may have to think about which way you do things. That is the first step toward designing changes and learning about yourself.

At first you will forget to do these changes. With each day, though, it will become easier and easier until you are doing them without forethought.

You had to learn to tie a shoelace, didn’t you? Do you think about that now?

Remember always, making a tiny change helps you understand that you have the ability to make any change for yourself. And you learn fast how to adapt.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net