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Our True Personal Story Behind the Film


Hollywoodhighlands.org went viral on Friday in the wake of our Hate Moviegate exposé.

We received more than 85,500 server requests in 24 hours.

The Los Angeles City Council refused on Friday to publicly condemn the anti-Islamic hate movie “Innocence of Bin Laden” when I asked them to do so.

The 15 Council members, two of whom are running to replace Mayor Villaraigosa, continue to stand speechless, refusing to offer an explanation why they uniformly turned a deaf ear in June when the Council was asked to condemn the then-obscure “Innocence of Bin Laden” ahead of its June 30 premiere.

The film did not remain harmless and out of the spotlight for long.

Our site was the first to warn the public of the violence this movie might end=gender.

Our warning was caught on the City Council’s own cameras.

If we had been listened to, the hate film would have been the focus of major media scrutiny.

Maybe YouTube would have refused to put the movie online.

If the lengthy trailer had not been available online for every Middle Eastern militant to exploit, maybe the American ambassador to Libya still would be alive.

The hate film never has played another theatre on earth. Nor has it been available for purchase as a DVD or in digital mode off the internet.

Why did the investors spend $5 million to make the movie. Hollywoodhighlands.org is investigating.

Rioting across the globe persisted at the weekend, rising to become the second most hated move in the world after “Triumph of the Will,” a tribute to Nazism by Hitler’s girlfriend, Leni Riefenstahl.

The record will show we were the first to call attention to the “Innocence of Bin Laden,” on Thursday, June 28.

The next day, we followed up at City Hall, which was one day before it debuted at a seedy theatre near the intersection of Hollywood and Vine.

The Los Angeles Times has quoted us, “We cried wolf, and there was a wolf.”

Mr. Walsh may be contacted at hollywoodhighlands.org