Home OP-ED Sometimes Your Children Can Surprise You

Sometimes Your Children Can Surprise You


Dateline Dayton – Last week we had our son Chris with us from Florida. He spent 10 days and left last Saturday. While here, he told us something we never expected to hear, that he wants to move back to Dayton from Tampa.

He said he misses his family, and he would like to be near them. Since he no longer owns a home in Tampa, he feels it’s the right time to make such a move. My first concern, of course, was a job. Dayton is not known for having a great job market. He would not make the move until he had a job.

He presently works for a hospice organization in Tampa, and he would like to work for hospice in the Dayton area, preferably a non-profit. Dona, the former Executive Director of the Learning Tree, left the farm to go to work for hospice. I told Chris I would give her a call and see if he could meet with her. She was very willing, and a meeting was set for last Thursday. She also invited Pauline and me to come along and she would give the three of us a tour.

Boundless Beauty

None of us could believe the beauty of the hospice building and the thought that went into it from the patient perspective. There are even special light fixtures in the patient entrance, since, in most cases, that is what they see.

There is a gorgeous solarium. The grounds are beautiful, with two ponds. The walls are decorated with lovely artwork, mostly from local painters. That is another thing that Dona pointed out, that they (Hospice of Dayton) go out of their way to try and get materials and services locally.

Although, I hope that I never will have need for their services, it is great to know that such a lovely facility, with a caring staff, exists in Dayton.

A Different Look

After completing the hospice tour, we headed to the University of Dayton to take a tour, which Chris had arranged through the Alumni Office. Since we had about an hour, we decided to get a little something to eat prior to the tour.

The girl giving the tour was super. We didn’t even have to walk, as she had a cart. Both Pauline and I have been to UD many times, having taken classes there and attended special events. But neither of us could remembered much of the campus. Chris, on the other hand, was pleasantly surprised at how the campus had grown and changed. He made the comment that with the tremendous growth of the size of the campus, new buildings and the largest freshman class in its history, that the degree he earned from the college almost twenty-five years ago, is even more marketable.

We ended the day by having supper with our son’s family in Cincinnati. Julie prepared, with some help from Bill and daughter Madi, a great meal.

We really enjoyed the day and the time spent with Chris. We also appreciate all the work he put into our anniversary celebration. Sometimes your children can surprise you!

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net