Home OP-ED Republican Criticism of Our State Not Only Fair, It’s Mandatory

Republican Criticism of Our State Not Only Fair, It’s Mandatory


Re “Republican Criticism of Our State Is Not Fair

Don’t tell me the Left lacks a sense of humor when my colleague Mr. Elias appears exorcised when Normal persons, namely Republicans, tell the nasty truth about the garbage state of the trash-deliverers in Sacramento.

I award a fat (but not obese, of course) Green Heart (in honor of the Dems’ environmental skullduggery) to anyone who can defend the rudderless, belief-free Gov. Flat Tire and his buffoonish tax scam after last year’s thuggery could not sneak past them there ever vigilant legislators in We-Will-Never-Sacri(fice)mento.

Look at those courageous Democrats hunkered down under their desks, the Boob Caucus, the Illegal Alien Caucus, the Shoplifters Caucus, the Ex-Cons Caucus, the Yellow-Bellied Caucus, the Buy-Me-Condoms-or-Else Caucus, the Honesty-Is-for-Sissies Caucus, the I-Can-Get-Preggers-and-You-Can’t Caucus, and the Out-of-the-Bell Curve Dems Caucus.

It is, of course, both the highest and lowest form of black humor to take seriously the most failed governor in America, presiding over rudimentarily dishonest boys and girls in the Legislature who do not give a whit about us peasants back home.

Who Cares? No One

If they did, Assemblymember Holly Mitchell (D-Culver City) and state Sen. Curren D. Price (D-Culver City) would not reach into your pants pockets and mine every payday and say:

“I need more money to underwrite my favorite causes because I am an undisciplined Spend Your Money Not Mine machine.”

Talk about low-class bookends, Gov. Tire on this coast and President Pander (Have I Left Out Anyone?) Bear on the other.

Gov. Flat Tire – who never has had children and can’t imagine the prospect – is touring our state with a shotgun in each hand, “If you don’t pass my tax scam, by thunder,” he scolds, “something nasty and irreversible will happen to your schools.”

A Fabulous Fibber

An astonishing liar, Gov. Tire engineered one of his filthiest, most immoral tricks to shoot his tax scam to the top of the Nov. 6 ballot while conniving, like a petty thief, to submerge the proposal of his tax scam rival, Molly Munger, to near the bottom.

With him, you only want to be in a fully-mirrored room.

What a lovely fellow he is. Eh, what?

Give to Me or Else

With their remarkably devious schemes for funneling millions to their special supporters, the hundred-plus boobs in the Legislature have more gall than a con artist doing life to demand more money every week or they will shut down more services we already have paid for many times over.

They milk their almost-jobs – plus tens, or hundreds, of thousands annually in perques – when they should be in session a maximum of 60 days a year. Ninety-five percent of their labor is busy work. Sadly, liberal voters always are impressed.

To review my colleague’s objections:

• Fiscally speaking, Mitt Romney compared broke and broken California with Greece and Italy. Who stands in a deeper hole?

Sarah Palin called Gov. Tire’s latest obscene playtoy “a $100 billion bullet train” when the cost presently is two-thirds, somewhere in the 60s. Yes, but it was supposed to be less than half. Bet your inheritance the cost will zoom past $100 billion, perhaps within the year.

• As for my cousin by divorce Peggy Noonan, my colleague does not explain her sin of accuracy beyond “blasting California.” Right. How can she be wrong when more businesses and more residents have fled our state in recent years than any other. Maybe the people got bored looking for work. Maybe the desperately put-upon businesses traded anti-business California for business-friendly Texas because they wanted to see more cows. Yeah, that is the lone logical explanation.