Home OP-ED Reflecting on 50 Years of Gold

Reflecting on 50 Years of Gold


Dateline Dayton – Last Saturday was our 50th wedding anniversary.

I am truly blessed that Pauline has put up with me for all these years.


In this Hennessey family photo taken after Mass last Saturday in their hometown, their Golden Wedding anniversary, our Thursday essayist and his wife Pauline hold a Papal blessing, arranged by their son Bill.

With five children, over the years we struggled to make ends meets, especially with choosing to send our kids to a Catholic school. Being an accountant, during tax time, I worked three jobs, plus volunteering at school, various neighborhood organizations and coaching a soccer team when I didn’t know anything about the game. Even with the ups and downs over the years, there always was love and respect for each other.

Pauline had the difficult task of being a stay-at- home mom, raising the children and taking care of the house, while I was working and volunteering. When our youngest son got older, she returned to the work force to help pay college costs. She was to work until the kids got out of college. But she ended up working until she was needed to care for her mother.

A Personally Sunny Day

Our anniversary celebration started last Saturday evening, with the entire family attending Mass. Afterwards, we went to a local Italian restaurant for dinner. We had a delicious meal and, I believe, everyone enjoyed themselves. Pauline’s brother was able to join us, as he had participated in our wedding ceremony.

On Sunday our children held an open house in our honor, and they did an outstanding job. Yes, the bathroom was completed, carpets were cleaned and there was even a new rug in the sun room. Pauline, with help from kids and grandchildren, worked hard to make sure the house would be presentable for this event. I, along with my sons and grandson, made sure the outside was in order.

Friends stopped by to wish us well and enjoy the goodies the kids had prepared for the day. Even the weather cooperated. The rain we were scheduled to get, held off until the celebration was over. This allowed us to have beverages under a small tent in the backyard. Our daughter, Lisa, got her nephew and his girlfriend to handle the beverage service, and they were super.

I contend most of my gray hair has come from our children. At times, some have given us a fair amount of problems. On Sunday, all stepped up for the occasion. We are proud of them and their families, especially for the work they put into our celebration.

Our youngest son, Jon, put a picture of us in the local Sunday newspaper. Many pictures are so solemn. A couple announcing their wedding appears so vibrant and happy. Some couples celebrating anniversaries look as though they didn’t know each other.

Our picture was with our dog Jake, taken after our 40th anniversary celebration. Yes, it was different. We were pleased with the picture he chose.

A great day!

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net