Home Letters Fighting the Cancellation of Patt Morrison by KPCC

Fighting the Cancellation of Patt Morrison by KPCC


Dear Patt Morrison:

I found out minutes ago that your show on KPCC (89.3) was booted was booted by the white males who rule the KPCC airwaves.

Patt, try not to keep this tragic news under your hat.

Don’t mourn. Watch your listeners organize.

The trio of Mantle-Morrison-Olney is about to be broken up by the sexist claque at KPCC.

A politically incorrect person just told me, “If Patt wants her KPCC show back, she should immediately take a course in Beginners Conversational Spanish.”

I just kicked off our “Save Patt” campaign by addressing the show’s cancellation issue under public comment today at the County Board of Supes meeting.

Mr. Walsh may be contacted at hollywoodhighlands.org