Home OP-ED Thoughts on a Cruise – A Reflection

Thoughts on a Cruise – A Reflection


My wife and I returned from our Alaska cruise ten days ago.

It was a whirlwind ten days. There was so much to see and do. New sights and new experiences. Things I very much enjoyed, and things I did not enjoy so much. My reaction during the cruise, and for the few days following the cruise, was rather critical. Perhaps I was playing “cruise critic.”

Now, the photos have been placed in a Shutterfly book. Memories of the cruise and related excursions have taken on more of a gestalt image. It is almost as if I am now seeing the cruise in my mind as an entire image – an image on a satin pillow in the sky.

And you know what? I think I really enjoyed the cruise. Yes, I am still planning to write the cruise company with several suggestions for improving the journey. However, that aside, the cruise was a vacation like no other I have known.

First, I loved the time together with my wife. I think I grew to love her even more.

Second, third and so on, I really enjoyed the meals, the service, the scenery, the wild animals, the cool air, the hot pool, the trees and shrubs, meeting new people, the room, the safe in the room, and the shows.

Whatever I did not like on the cruise is now a more distant image.

Will I cruise again? Two weeks ago, I said “No.” Now, “Maybe.” I wonder what I will say a year from now.

I learned about the benefits of reflection years ago when I studied for my National Board Certified Teacher program. I basically learned what John Dewey has stated, “We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.”

What have I really learned from my trip? I learned to wait a while (maybe a week or so, while reflecting) before making an evaluation and/or decision about any “big” event. I think I’ll call this reflection my “Satin Pillow in the Sky.”

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at robertebsen@hotmail.com.