Home OP-ED With Gun Control, Aurora Killer Probably Would Have Given up

With Gun Control, Aurora Killer Probably Would Have Given up


When liberals are forced to sheepishly retreat from volubly advertised positions, abandoning traditional language one step ahead of humiliation – to be politically correct, they call abortion “reproduction” and global warming “climate change” – now they have a juicy new opportunity to embarrass themselves.

We direct our attention to the Violence Policy Center in Washington whose politics are to the left of the whole world this side of Bulgaria. He who merely glances at the Center’s label cannot be certain whether they are rooting for or against an uptick in violence.

On Sunday morning, M. Kristen Rand, legal counsel for the center, was a guest on Ian Masters’ newsmaker program on KPFK (90.7). M. Kristen (a girl trying to present as if she were a man) and Mr. Masters provoked unrelieved tittering in my car during the 15 minutes of their interview.

In the wake of Aurora, they were paralyzed over the abiding stupidity of non-liberals. They flogged non-liberals who naively conflate owning firearms with outdated notions of freedom. With jollity, they mocked opponents of gun control, which they think should have been one of the Ten Commandments.

Employing the certitude of a body who has descended from the ethereal reaches of the heavens, Ms. Rand pronounced as foolish homeowners who keep firearms as a matter of protection.

The Whether Forecaster

Insightfully, Ms. Rand declared, without fear of erring, that because of the Aurora Massacre, “many more such incidents will follow across the country.”

Just as they have before?

Well, no they didn’t.

As with many liberals, what matters is her assertion. That is what she wants people to remember. Never mind that it is unfounded. Scare the boobs.

Mr. Masters, an immigrant who routinely expresses loathings about America, said gun owners in our country are cowards. After cleverly uttering a vulgarism, his main weapon, he brayed that in other parts of the world, men are macho. They fight back with their fists.

The two standard-issue liberals reserved their strongest ammunition – if they will forgive the irony – for the National Rifle Assn., which has killed more people, they agreed, than the worst ever dictators.

It was a classic interlude in modern liberalism – two uniquely wise Angry Lefties fretting over the frustrations of being immeasurably smarter than gun control opponents when the urgency is so obvious – to them.

If we can play Stump the Liberal (or progressive, or leftist or whatever they are this month), I have questions for Ms. Rand and Mr. Masters:

• If their brand of gun control had been implemented, would Aurora been averted? Would the determined gunman have mumbled to himself, “Darn, this is too hard. I am going back to my boobytrapped apartment and sleep this off”?

• Since cars kill many more people than guns, why aren’t you demonizing the Auto Club, trying to get all cars banned, instead of hammering the National Rifle Assn.?

• How, in precise detail, would gun control have prevented Aurora?