Home Letters ‘Obviously PXP Does Not Want a Level Field,’ Camarella Says

‘Obviously PXP Does Not Want a Level Field,’ Camarella Says


Re “PXP Rejects Camarella Invitation to Participate in Symposium. Now What?

[Editor’s Note: At 3:20 this afternoon, the organizer of a planned symposium on fracking on Aug. 4, sent the following email to City Hall.]

Dear Mayor Weissman, Culver City Council, City Manager John Nachbar and City Attorney Carol Schwab:

As you all know, I and several groups have been working on a symposium to answer questions posed by the City Council on July 2. Today I received this email from PXP who “respectively” declined.

They were present at the July 2 meeting and heard the Council ask numerous questions. It is obvious that PXP wants to retain complete control over the type of information and how it is presented. They simply don't want anything that resembles a more equal playing field.

Now that we have gone out-of-our-way to get what we believe the Council wanted, i.e. a level and neutral playing field, we are respectfully requesting that you and the Council allow us — those who have facts and pertinent scientific data to dispute many of the PXP claims — the opportunity to make a presentation as did PXP re fracking at either a regularly scheduled Council meeting or a special meeting that you create for same.

I know we can make an honest and clear presentation addressing the questions you and other Council members raised the night of July 2 in 35 to 45 minutes. I suggest it be followed by a Q & A session that you would control. We have transcribed the list of questions the Council raised on July 2, and would be happy to share them with you if you would like.

Given that the Council will be deliberating changes to the existing oil field regulations and new ordinances re drilling and fracking in the very near future, we trust that Culver City will give everyone involved ( residents, businesses, property owners) ample time to understand what is at stake and the opportunity to address the Council prior to ordinance discussions. This was our intent in producing this symposium in cooperation with the City in the first place..

Please let me know your thoughts at your earliest convenience.

Tom Camarella
, Elected Delegate for CDP 47th Assembly District
Past Member of Culver City Charter Review Committee President Emeritus, Culver City Democratic Club, may be contacted at Tom4CulverCity@aol.com