Home OP-ED Unreported News – Welfare Lifers No Longer Need to Work. Just Breathe.

Unreported News – Welfare Lifers No Longer Need to Work. Just Breathe.


Lucky for Mitt Romney he was not in the same state as President Obama last Saturday or he would have been blamed for the President’s latest defeat in a language he regularly mangles. (Watch his trademark stuttering, gaping pauses and vamping when he is off the prompter.) When a dozen people in his audience were passing out in the heat of a Virginia setting, the mediocre former student, ad-libbing, cracked, “Somebody should call the paralegals.”

Every television network except Fox News would have hounded Mr. Romney to the sidelines if he had committed what turned out to be a non-error. It was not reported by the left-wing mainstream media. Therefore it didn’t happen. Right? The boys covered for him because it would have embarrassed a mean, devious, humorless, middle-brow President with a plainly mediocre education. (English and U.S. history were his most dreaded subjects.)

What Gaffe?

Even though it was calculated, it is not a serious oversight, merely another hyper-partisan move. Ninety-eight percent of the print and electronic media, unapologetically, have been O’s human shields since he announced for the White House.

A far more grave – and nastily deliberate – error of omission was committed last Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, today and for the foreseeable future by virtually every liberal outlet in America.

Last Thursday, the Obama administration, in an angry, crude mood again, operating stealthily with the slickness of a burglar, struck the American taxpayer over the head again with a baseball bat.

The President’s sneaky order to gut welfare reform was the latest blow against regular Americans who believe redistribution of their earned holdings – to welfare lifers – is morally wrong. He identifies with them because this is the first reasonably fulltime job he has held or worked at more than a couple sallies a week. Now lifers will vote for him, as if they wouldn’t before. Just hand ‘em a few dollars and promise they won’t have to ever join Maynard G. Krebs on the assembly line.

Readers of the Los Angeles Titanic and other large dailies, have yet to be informed of the guy’s latest audacity.

The following report is from a normal publication:

On Thursday, President Obama, through the Department of Health and Human Services, quietly released an official policy directive. Utilizing an obscure legal device from the original Social Security Act, the administration claimed the right to waive the work requirements for able-bodied people that formed the backbone of a generation of welfare reform. This directive could very well allow the welfare state to regress to its bloated worst.

The move is vintage Obama. It contains several of his administration’s most dubious hallmarks. It is legally suspect, ignoring both the letter of the law and the clear intent of Congress to specifically shield welfare reform from willy-nilly rewriting at the hands of federal bureaucrats. It reflects the administration’s taste for the selective enforcement of the laws it is sworn to uphold. It cements executive orders and policy directives as the legislative instruments du jour, superseding boring, old-fashioned acts of Congress. And it even reminds us how much of the entitlement state now runs through Kathleen Sebelius and HHS.