Home OP-ED Infinite



I was in my pool this evening, on my back, kind of paddling with my arms. There it was. The first star I caught sight of. When I see stars, I think – infinite. I think – a universe without end. I think – creation. I think – death. I think – unknown. I think – creator.

I tell myself that if the universe is infinite, and death is infinite, they share a common mystery – and a common reason to believe. To believe – because we cannot ever hope to understand the infinite. And what is it that we can believe in? Perhaps we can call it Magic. The Magic that we humans have – the power – the brains – to think about the infinite. Even if it means we are frightened by it, we nevertheless are in Awe of it.

So, what does this topic have to do with living my life? Perhaps, because of the Awe I feel about the infinite, I can Trust that whatever happens to me – and the rest of us – is for the good. Or – if not for the good – at least it is for a purpose.

Some people believe that all is an accident. The universe – life – death. No purpose here. Infinity is an accident.

What do you choose to believe?

I prefer to Trust that the only force who could dream up the infinite, is a force of such great intelligence that it would be impossible for me not to put my faith in it. This reasoning, though apparently tautological, makes sense to me. Why? Because,such great Magic is the infinite. I believe that that same Magic is guiding my life and, hopefully, my afterlife, too.

Now to the nitty-gritty of real life. The infinite, I believe, is guiding my life here on earth. I believe in the Magic of being kind to others – of holding a door for someone I see coming who is 20 feet away. And the Magic of speaking my mind – hopefully in a way that is kind to others. And so on.

My hope? That I will one day get to meet all my ancestors – in a kind place.

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at Robertebsen@hotmail.com