Home OP-ED Get Out the Soap –Dirty South American-Style Election Looms

Get Out the Soap –Dirty South American-Style Election Looms


You don’t have to be prescient, just awake, to realize, especially after Wisconsin last week, that the Presidential election will be the filthiest in America’s checkered history.

The first multi-millionaire community organizer _– has a ring, doesn’t it? – to become President has no intention of leaving.

Our littered country will resemble a South American backwater on the morning after Election Day. The President, curiously, will turn out to have more votes than there are people in numerous precincts. Even the original and late Richard Daley would die, again, of shock at what the President’s minions brazenly will engineer.

With dozens of Republican-led states now requiring proof of identity by voters because of runaway fraud at the polls, robotic teams of Democrat campaign workers have been assigned to file daily protests with regional media to protest “voter suppression, which unfairly affects the old, the young and people of color.” At election time, you will hear this until your head throbs and your wrist aches from slapping your forehead.

My Favorite Billionaire: Me

Having promised to be the first earthling since Alexander the Great to fundraise $1 billion, Swish Obama hasn’t been to work since a year ago last March. (As a community organizer, he is not accustomed to a daily work regimen.)

Greedily, he has been devoting his days and nights for the past 14 months to fulltime backpatting and regular rolls in the pay with poor and middle class persons –“my base” – who can afford $38,500 for a meal with him.

By the weekend, Rent-a-Swish had broken world records by participating in 160 fundraisers. (The last five Presidents did not cumulatively reach that total. In 1996, Mr. Clinton did 14.) One day last week, unbelievably, Swish congratulated himself for summoning the stamina to perform at six in 18 hours. If his mind were as sturdy as his body, he would be a November shoo-in.

The top tier of Swish’s campaign staff – the Los Angeles Titanic, The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the Financial Times – protects him with the same ferocity a parent would use to shield his child from wild animals.

At least twice a week the routinely confused President makes ignorant statements. Last Friday, Swishy absurdly declared at a press conference:

“The private sector is doing fine. Where we’re seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government,” which needs more revenue from Washington.

These are the meanderings, of someone hopelessly overmatched.

Look at the construction of the second sentence. A teacher would scold an eighth grader who turned in such a tortured formulation.

Even Swishy was sufficiently embarrassed at his latest unprovoked stumble about “the private sector is doing fine” to ask for a do-over. Several hours later, he “corrected” himself even though he did not think he had mis-stepped.

His apologetic protectors in the press buried his slipshod gaffe so distantly in Saturday’s editions that if the story had been farther back, it would have run a day later.

Okay, We Are Even

He seems to have no respect for the truth. The reverse is equally true.

Mr. Obama tells so many lies (“we’ve created 4.3 million jobs over the last 27 months”) that the several objective journalists working in Washington don’t know whether he is willfully fibbing or carelessly exaggerating. What makes Mr. Obama’s continual flaunting of Biden-like claims so remarkable is that they are unforced, the most humiliating form of gaffe.

No pressure around him.

No distractions.

No explanation.

No justification.

His unreliable, spotty concentration periodically shatters without warning. His puzzling, frustrated defenders are running low on excuses.