Home Letters Another View of Expo’s ‘Poor Planning Process’

Another View of Expo’s ‘Poor Planning Process’


Re “Are You Listening, City Hall?

In response to Paul Ehrlich's letter yesterday about the lack of planning by the city, by the Chamber of Commerce and others for the opening of the Expo light rail station:

First it's a project by the Expo Construction Authority.

Speaking for the Chamber: We did send communications to the Authority to seek involvement in their opening. We received silence in return.

When someone in the public accuses different organizations of a lack of planning, those words need to be aimed correctly and not used like a shotgun process.

Yesterday I finally was called about assisting in getting an invitation list for the event. The Chamber staff and I are working to get the Authority the invitation list.

You will note that I have not given a date yet in this response! The Authority has not communicated an official date to us. I just know from rumors and the press.

Just giving another view of a poor planning process by an unelected governmental Authority…

Mr. Rose, President/CEO of the Culver City Chamber of Commerce, may be contacted at ssssteve@culvercitychamber.com. Or see www.culvercitychamber.com