Home OP-ED How Gay of the President – He Won’t Change Anything

How Gay of the President – He Won’t Change Anything


Since comedians Stewart, Maher, Colbert and Rosie O’Donnell – excitable but hardly deep – are the principal arbiters of behavior on the Left, our liberal friends should be advised to take a breath and severely scale back their dreams of an all-gay world. Their orgiastic reaction to President Obama’s formful admission 48 hours ago was, to be charitable and employ one of their favorite terms, disproportionate.

Did you love The New York Times’s ludicrous explanation for squishy Swishy’s latest position switch?

They called his calculated reversal on gay marriage “a wrenching personal transformation.” Had this been Mitt Romney, the Times would have accused him of flipflopping.

Squishy Swishy is not likely to influence, much less change, the gay marriage landscape any more than if your Aunt Tillie went out on the front porch and gave the identical opinion.

This is the consensus of smart persons on the Left and Right this morning is that wishy-washy Swishy’s fourth position change on gay marriage will not re-order non-gay society.

We are told nearly daily that most Americans favor gay marriage. This must mean left-wingers are interviewing each other since the overwhelming number of states ban gay marriage.

A little sloppy again with his tin ear for timing, Swishy announced his latest stance 10 hours after the most recent state, North Carolina, voted 61 percent to 39 percent to prohibit gay marriage.

Meanwhile, I am trying to pin down the veracity of this fascinating report:

“The President confided to his most trusted advisors yesterday that if, late in the campaign, he still is several million votes short of certain victory, he will discreetly announce he is gay in an attempt to boost himself over the top.”

David French, senior counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, made eminent sense yesterday when he wrote that Swish’s “wrenching personal transformation” is relatively meaningless:

“Barring Supreme Court action or a near-total cultural triumph of one side over the other, the America of 2032 will likely look a great deal like the America of 2012. Unless the Supreme Court invents a right to same-sex marriage in the same way that it invented a right to abortion, we’re looking at the new reality: A majority of states (including virtually every red state and some purple) will define marriage appropriately. A minority (but including large blue states) will continue the sexual revolution and embrace a fundamentally different conception of marriage.”

However, as the father of two gay sons, I hope that if they choose to marry in Southern California, they will be allowed to do so.

It is different when it is personal.