Home OP-ED 13 Is Obama’s Lucky Number, So Far

13 Is Obama’s Lucky Number, So Far


Despite the sui generis brilliance of carmakers in Detroit, no American milks more mileage from a single unchanged line than Swish Obama.

News item: Over the weekend, the most unexamined President in history declared for the 13th time since a year ago April, “I am launching my re-election campaign.”

Not a single Angry Left journalist – obsessed with Mr. Romney’s wealth – pretended to notice. Can you imagine the Dodgers or Lakers staging 13 different season openers in one year.

Mark Barabak of the Los Angeles Titanic is one of the newspaper’s most furious leftists. Pretending this was the first, not the Baker’s Dozeneth, “launch” story, here is a precious, not to mention prejudiced, line from his front-page Saturday “news” story:

“So the White House hopes to turn the November election into a choice between the incumbent and the alternative, who, both sides agree, remains a mystery to a great many voters, especially independents and others still open to persuasion.”

“Both sides agree”?

Has Mr. Barabak copied “his” terminology verbatim from the White House press release?

“Both sides agree”?

News Item: Last Friday the government announced a net of 115,000 new jobs created in April, but the unemployment rate dipped to 8.2 percent to 8.1 because three times as many people (342,000) left the work force out of discouragement.

I don’t remember ever having seen such an odd piece of data. Throughout the Obama administration, his puppy dog-faithful Labor Dept. has followed the monthly First Friday report a few days later by cooking up a “seasonally adjusted” statistic that casts the latest numbers in a rosier hue. Watch for it this week.

News Item: Mr. Obama has thrown more fundraisers for himself in the last 3½ than the last six Presidents have in 35 years, according to Michael Barone of the Washington Examiner.

Not coincidentally, the most immodest, the pettiest, the most racist, the least introspective work-averse, lying President of modern times began the serious self-tributes in April of last year, the same week – of course – that he relentless launched his re-election campaign the first time.