Home OP-ED 92.3 Percent Is Meaningless – It Ain’t Swishy’s Fault. Blame Coolidge.

92.3 Percent Is Meaningless – It Ain’t Swishy’s Fault. Blame Coolidge.


Re “Fitzgerald Bounces Back from a Fatal Heart Attack

Second of two parts

Have faith, oh ye brethren, and don’t blink because our Dear Leader, Swishy (Nothin’ Ain’t My Fault) Obama, is prepared to prove that 2 plus 2 equals 5.

Or 46. Or 113 million, whatever fits our hypothesis or denial more comfortably today.

The Angry Left has been making hay from the bogus Republican War on Women. This is as phony as Mr. Obama’s native “love” for America.

Further, while the President and his unyielding minions are trying to turn the present campaign into a racial referendum the way they shrewdly did four years ago, the Romney campaign has uncovered a statistic that may be useful in pushing Truth into the lead.

Two weeks ago, Mr. Romney’s researchers discovered that women held 92.3 percent of the net total of jobs lost since Mr. Obama entered the White House.

This infuriated The New York Times, the President’s No. 1 defender in all lies and truths, barely ahead of the Los Angeles Titanic.

If your child made the assertion about 92.3 percent, you would immediately seek to determine its accuracy. Unequivocally, the claim is true or it ain’t.

When a liberal newspaper describes a sourcing group as “non-partisan,” bet your inheritance it is left wing.

Eyes Left, Boys and Girls

Sure enough.

Even though 92.3 percent is as unswerving as your fealty toward your mother, the leftist “fact-checking” group known as PolitiFact, based at the Tampa Bay Times, rated it “mostly false” because it favors Republicans. For a comparison of their leftist bias, consider this:

When House Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va) said President Obama pushed through the stimulus “based on the promise of keeping unemployment under 8 percent,” the Obama loyalists at “non-partisan” PolitiFact rated the claim “mostly false.” How can 2 plus 2 add up to 5? “Non-partisan” PolitiFact ruled Mr. Obama “made a projection not a promise.” And that, dear hearts, is how a lie about Mr. Obama niftily is converted into a gallon of truth.

Swishy Remains Undefeated

In the April 12 edition of The New York Times, Kitty Rampell, an aghast girl reporter and ardent Swishy booster, was horrified to think that 92.3 percent of the jobs blown on Mr. Obama’s watch were held by women.

They have or they have not. It isn’t complicated.

Ms. Rampell burbled while thinking up a printable response. She quoted the mindreaders at PolitiFact: “We found that though the numbers are accurate, their reading of them isn’t.”

Technically, Ms. Rampell wrote, the number is correct but only “because men already had borne the brunt of the layoffs from the recession that began more than a year earlier.”

This is how Swishy has skated through his Presidency unmarked, lying, denying the truth, blaming his predecessor or conditions “I can’t control.”

Finally, the pouty Ms. (Sniffle, Sniffle) Rampell offers this fatuous defense of Mr. Obama’s failure as a jobs President:

“The reason that job losses have been concentrated among women in the past three years and among men in 2008 largely has to do with the kinds of industries that employ them.”

Therefore, my dear liberal comrades, the job losses under Mr. Obama should be charged against Mr. Bush, right?