Home Letters Fiesta Committee Pumping Energy into Preparations

Fiesta Committee Pumping Energy into Preparations


(See pdf below)

How do we market Fiesta La Ballona to capture the rich history and cultural heritage of Culver City while attracting the 21- to 39-year-old crowd in a hip way?

Incorporating the goals and mission of the 2012 Fiesta La Ballona, your marketing committee has developed concepts for posters, flyers and online media to be presented at the Fiesta La Ballona general meeting on Tuesday evening at 7 in the Iksan Room at Vets Auditorium.

Recreation Dept. liaison Dan Jassim will offer updated data on the Fiesta La Ballona financial plan, and committee chairpersons will present their revised individual budgets for your feedback.

We also will look at programming, sponsorships, sustainability, vendors, attractions and layout, as seen on the agenda below.

Minutes of last month’s general meeting are attached (pdf).

Schools, community groups, businesses, agencies and individuals like you make Fiesta La Ballona, Aug. 24-26, at Vets Park, a fun family experience each year, since 1951, attracting 20,000 guests.

See you Tuesday at 7.

Fiesta La Ballona agenda:

7 o’clock – Introduction of guests.

7:10 – Officers’ Reports

Liaison, Dan Jassim, Parks and Recreation Supervisor.

Director, Dan Hernandez.

Secretary, Pat Levinson.

7:20 – Subcommittee Reports

Budget: Susan Deen.

Fundraising/Sponsors, Marcus Tiggs.

Marketing, Steven Gumplo.

Vendors, Booths, David Benson.

Sustainability, Lisa Lewis Burns.

Entertainment, Ronnie Jayne.

Schools, Ruth Morris.

Carnival Rides, Niko Vlahakis.

Activities, Elliot Heffler.

Volunteers, Staffing, Barbara Silverstein.

Facilities, layout, Tom Camarella.

Beer and Wine Garden, Marcus Tiggs.

8:10 – Unfinished Business

8:20 – New Business

Public Comment

8:30 – Adjourn

See fiestalaballona.org. Mr. Cohen may be contacted at mrculvercity@ca.rr.com

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