Home News Remaining Votes to be Counted on Tuesday Afternoon

Remaining Votes to be Counted on Tuesday Afternoon


The manual tally required by the Elections Code for Tuesday’s City Council election was completed at 5:30 yesterday afternoon.

The vote-by-mail ballots (VBM) and ballots cast at the polls for two precincts randomly selected (Precinct 22 and Precinct 31) were counted by hand.

The manual tally confirmed the machine tally announced on Election Day for these two precincts. With respect to Measure X – there were two ballots where the voters did not fill in the oval. However, the voters’ intent could be discerned, and two Yes votes for Measure X will be added to the machine tally for these precincts. This did not impact the results for Measure X (which, based upon the semi-official results, is passing by more than 80 percent).

There are approximately 750 VBM and Provisional Ballots (PB) that are in the signature verification process. Those ballots, once verified, will be counted on Tuesday, at 4 o’clock, in the Council Chambers.

The counting is open to the public. The results of that counting will be added to the semi-official results announced on Election Day.

By noon today I will send out a precinct-by-precinct count of remaining VBM and PB along with registered voters by precinct and number of voters who voted by precinct.

Mr. Cole, the City Clerk, may be contacted at martin.cole@culvercity.org