Home Letters Malsin’s Rivals Remind Me of Bounty Hunters in the NFL

Malsin’s Rivals Remind Me of Bounty Hunters in the NFL


I have lived in Culver City for almost 30 years and voted in every election.

I am a big fan of politics and I am also a big sports fan.

When the New Orleans Saints won the Super Bowl, three years after Hurricane Katrina, I was very happy for them and their city. But when I heard about how they won, when I recently heard about the Bounty Plan their coaches ran to reward their players for deliberately injuring opposing players and taking them out, I was very disillusioned by it.

I believe it will affect how fans, now and in the future, will view that victory.

As I read through all the letters to the editors of our local publications, I can’t shake the feeling that some of the current City Council candidates are using that exact strategy.

Rather than relying on their own experience, expertise, intelligence and strong positions on pertinent issues to win tomorrow’s election, they have resorted to really unrelenting and disappointing campaigns of trying to take out one of their most competent opponents.

I don’t believe in “bullet voting.”

I will be voting for more than one candidate tomorrow, but my first and foremost vote will be for the one I consider the best candidate, Scott Malsin.

I also will be voting for two other outstanding candidates, Andy Weisman and Mehaul O’Leary.

All three have worked together extremely well in the past: I like to think of them as my “home team.”

Ms. Rogasch may be contacted at m_rogasch@aol.com