Home Letters Rose Urges a Vote for Four While Zeidman Centers on Malsin

Rose Urges a Vote for Four While Zeidman Centers on Malsin


Our City Council elections are on Tuesday, and the Culver City Chamber of Commerce has endorsed four candidates, Mayor Mehaul O’Leary, incumbent Andy Weissman, former Councilman Scott Malsin and Jim Clarke. The Chamber’s endorsement interviews maybe viewed on our site, www.culvercitychamber.com

The Culver City Chamber is a non-partisan, not- for-profit that has endorsed in City Council elections for well over 50 years, regardless of political affiliations.

Our concern is that the candidates we endorse are qualified to hold office, with knowledge of municipal government and the ability to operate within those perimeters. When you view the interviews on our website, it will be very apparent the four endorsed candidates have an understanding of local government as well as a history of being involved in many segments of the community.

During these difficult economic times for California cities we do not have the luxury of training new Council members on economic development issues since the state has put our local Redevelopment Agency out of business. Growing revenues in a sustainable, ongoing manner is the most important issue facing our new council.

We urge you to vote for Mr. Weissman, Mr. O’Leary, Mr. Malsin and Mr. Clarke on Tuesday.

Mr. Rose, who recently celebrated his 25th anniversary as President/CEO of the Chamber, may be contacted at ssssteve@culvercitychamber.com

Experience, Intellect and Drive Make Malsin an Easy Choice

From Scott Zeidman

I am voting for Scott Malsin on Tuesday. Frankly, it is an easy decision. I am looking for the best possible City Council for Culver City. The best possible Council must include Scott.

Scott’s experience is unequalled. Scott’s successes on Council are unquestioned. Scott’s intellect and understanding of Culver City, and indeed his love for Culver City, is undeniable.

These are tough economic times. We, as voters, are faced with an important decision as to which four individuals will help guide us through these times. I cannot fathom our City Council facing these times without the experience, intellect and drive that Scott brings.

Mr. Zeidman, a former School Board member, may be contacted at scott.zeidman@laslots.com