Home Letters O’Leary Is My Favorite

O’Leary Is My Favorite


I am voting for Mayor Mehaul O’Leary for City Council on April 10. I will vote for Andy Weissman and Jim Clarke, as well, but Mr. O’Leary is my first choice.

He is the only candidate who runs a business with a payroll. He knows how important sound fiscal practices are and understands the effect on his employees if he has to tighten his budget. Mr. O’Leary is a successful businessman who started with nothing, coming to this country with little money and a lot of drive and ambition. Today he still has the same drive and ambition.

What impresses me most about Mr. O’Leary is that he is not out in public tooting his own horn. He is not trying to impress people that he is doing things for the best interests of Culver City. He quietly works with city employees, residents, other cities and agencies to bring the best to Culver City. And with all this, he still finds time for charitable works – staying active in his church and delivering meals to home-bound seniors through the Culver City Home Delivered Meals Programs.

We need more people like Mr. O’Leary – not self-serving, not apologizing that he had to do something for his “family,” but just doing what’s best for everyone in Culver City.

Ms. Houle, a 70-plus-year resident of Culver City, may be contacted at velma.houle@hotmail.com