Home Letters Malsin Is Not a Consensus Builder

Malsin Is Not a Consensus Builder


When first running for City Council in 2006, Scott Malsin touted himself as a “consensus builder.” Throughout that campaign and the two that have followed, Mr. Malsin has presented himself to this community as someone who can work with everyone, who can bring civility to the Council, who can improve the tone of city government.

Given that objective, it amazes me to hear that Mr. Malsin and his campaign manager, Laura Stuart (herself appointed by Mr. Malsin and his colleagues to a city commission seat), would so degrade the level of conversation at our City Hall, the center for democratic dialogue.

At a recent Council meeting, Ms. Stuart was unhappy that things weren’t going her way. She began screaming at people in the audience, cursing repeatedly, making obscene hand gestures and threatening comments. Passively, Mr. Malsin sat by her the entire time, saying and doing nothing while his campaign manager ranted and raved.

All of this took place at City Hall. In fact, a long-time active community member was so offended by Ms. Stuart’s outrageous display by a city commissioner and campaign manager for Mr. Malsin that he asked the Mayor to please restore some decorum to our City Hall.

Ms. Stuart is entitled to express her dislike in ways that I might find offensive. But I wonder why Mr. Malsin, the self-described “consensus builder,” apparently approves of the way that his campaign manager is influencing the level of political discourse at City Hall. Her disgusting and outrageous conduct further led to campaigning while Mr. Malsin was in the audience. Does he approve of this taking place at a Council meeting where Girl Scouts, the future leaders of our community, were in attendance? Is this really the type of leadership our city needs?

Mr. Reyes may be contacted at ernie.reyes@sbcglobal.net